TAKE 44.1 - The Tides They Expected

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Hellooooo Guysssssssss....

I hope you and your loved ones all are doing well and keeping safe and healthy!!

So - YUP - Here I am with the next update for HW3.0 – back to back as mentioned in the follow through of the scene from yesterday! So excited to put this up back to back to keep the reading flow going!

Word Count – Short Mediam - 5K Words.✍✍ (Had to totally stand out on its own)

Will be Eager to know your feedback on the Same!

Thank you so very much guys* Infinity for all your Support to my Work till now! It truly means so much to me! I only feel immense gratitude grip my heart as I read each of your's feedbacks with updates coming up...thank you so much everyone for being with me on this fictional journey....🤗🤗🤗🤗✍✍✍👩💻👩💻👩💻👩💻

Also, yes this is the First Draft. Please definitely ignore editing/common repition of words errors etc – since I have not proofread.

I shall now let you all dive in without Further Delay.


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