Why do I love Star Wars?

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Okay short answer for why I love Star Wars: Anidala <3333333333333333 Their love story is the saddest but cutest thing ever

Long answer: The sheer tragedy and significance of the whole story is why I love it. The way I see it (After talking with a teacher who concurred with my sentiments), Star Wars is just one big metaphor for power and the way our society is. Like Anakin, there are so many people out there who have everything, someone they care for, a good job, stuff like that but money (Like power in Star Wars) and power corrupt so easily and people throw away everything to obtain it. I think a lot of us have our Anakin Skywalker moments, I mean I have at least. Anakin Skywalker is basically the tragedy of humanity. 

I also love it because honestly I really relate to Anakin, I'm impulsive, rash, impatient, and stubborn and I have a temper. It's not a good thing but I can relate. I also have that Padmé diplomacy stuff in me too I think. But yeah, I just love it. Plus it's not your  normal story because for awhile, the main character is evil, he's not some perfect prince.

Also thank you so much @athunter99, your so sweet!

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