Chapter 3 - Announcing the Engagement

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Back again very soon, I'm liking this story, mainly because I like the idea of doing more with Sona.

Let's get to it.

The fight was dying down a bit, their numbers were being cut to pieces. Azazal had just beaten that woman.

"Haha! Still got it!" He said before being knocked down to the ground.

He lands next to Ryan who is hiding with the no violence club that consists of Asia and Gasper, apparently a new addition to Rias' team.

Azazal gets up.

"I had to open my mouth." He said looking up at who knocked him down.


"You betrayin us now Vali?" Azazal asked.

"Sorry friend, but this side seemed more interesting." Vali said looking to Issei.

"I'm not bothered waiting, I'll fight you here and now Red Dragon Emperor." Vali said ready to fight him.

"What the hell Vali? That's a dick move!" Issei shouted at him.

"I don't care. Now fight me like you mean it!" Vali said with excitement.

"I can't fight you, I'm not strong enough remember." Issei reminded him. Vali didn't care.

"Hmm, well if you won't fight me, perhaps I can motivate you in some way." Vali looks to Ryan, the one with no powers. "Ah, perfect, I'll just kill your friend there. Ryan was it? I'm terribly sorry, but I'm going to have to kill you to get what I want."

"What?!" Ryan stepped back. If this guy wanted to kill him, what could he do to stop him?

"The hell you will!" Sona shouted.

"In fact, why stop there. I'll just kill everyone you know, including your parents. How about that Issei?" Vali asked.

"The hell you will!" Issei shouted sounding pissed, he then summoned his armour thing.

Issei tried to fight Vali, but it wasn't going well. From what Azazal said, Vali can cut Issei's power in half and give it to himself or something like that.

Azazal then decided that Issei may be motivated by another method.

"Issei, you remember his divide ability right?"

"Huh? Yeah what about it?" Issei asked.

"Well, think of it this way, what if he decided to cut not just power in half, but something more... physical." Azazal hinted. Issei didn't get it.

"What do you mean? Like making it so someone has a shorter lifespan? Making them shorter?" Issei guessed.

"Yeah, that too. But what about something more..... around this area?" Azazal held his hands out in front of his chest like he was holding two things.

"Uh, What does he-" Ryan was about to ask, but Issei answered when he understood the gesture.

"That.... BASTARD!" Issei sounded more pissed now and seemed to get stronger.

"What does he mean?" Ryan looked to Sona.

She sighed.

"He means... these." Sona gestured to her chest, her face growing red.

"I don't get- Oh, right. He means tits." Ryan caught on. "Weird, but he has motivation at least."

Issei's power skyrocketed.

"Hahaha! Yes that's it. Now come at me!" Vali shouted while laughing.

Vali was treating this like a game. To Issei, this was no game. To Issei, boobs aren't something you mess around with.

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