#5 {Millie's Slavery Center}

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TW⚠️: swearing
Shay's POV
I'm was being followed. To be honest, it's a given (I'm literally a mafia boss' daughter). Seeing an alleyway from the corner of my eye, I made a dash for it: it's not everyday you're followed, so you might as well make it more exciting. I could hear the heavy footsteps chasing after me, the small splashes from the puddles giving away their location(because it was obviously raining 👺). As I turned into the alleyway, I feel a man towering over me. "You're fast," he said, panting breathlessly. Without a moment to spare, I tackled him to the ground, completely ignoring what his words. Carefully removing his mask, I saw it was him; Draco Malfoy.

I knew it was him, the bastard. He had been following me around ever since I helped him drain pasta in the middle of the road - good times. Confessing his love to me was all he did, but since I'm not like other girls, I didn't fall for his cheap flirting tricks. He was too full of himself.
So I decided to beat the crap out of him.

The Next Day ☀️

I honestly should've seen it coming: that snitch ratted me out! As punishment, my mafia boss father (who is 8'9" btw) made me work at a slave trading center. As I'd been there a lots of times, I knew that place inside out. Although, the owner and her doted slave were and always will be mysteries. Who really were they? Were Millie and Toots their real names? How old even were they? They certainly didn't look like children, but they didn't exactly give off an adulty vibe either...whatever.

I finally arrived at my destination - Millie's Slavery Center (MSC). Yes, I know what you're thinking, 'That's kinda basic, it must be bad,' but if you think that, you're wrong. MSC was the best slave trade in town (the world actually) and the director, Millie, was the biggest crime boss in history. Her slave, Toots. She may have been labelled a slave, but was probably treated better than a noble, acting more like a bodyguard than anything else; nobody mentioned it though - we didn't want to know what would happen if we got on Millie's bad side.

Walking into the MSC, I scanned my surroundings for what felt like the millionth time. Despite being there on many occasions before, the atmosphere of the center never failed to amaze me. Bright orange-yellow lights shone down, illuminating the eager buyers below as they waited patiently for the auction to finally begin. However, I was one of the very few people who knew what the lights were really for - when the center was closed, Millie loved to throw parties with the most wealthy of her clients; the lights turned all sorts of different colours (my personal favourite being red, as it is the colour of my favourite food, PEPPERS). Believe me when I tell you, high budget parties are the best.

I watched as customers, who had come from all around the globe, scuttled around and hastily got ready for the 'showing of the cargo.' Being a vegan, I disagree with the capturing, harming and killing of animals, therefore did not enjoy the first part of the showing (they displayed exotic animals and put them up for sale). There was nothing I could do about it though, so I just tried to ignore the pleading eyes of the animals as they stared out into the crowd of people. Sitting there, I wondered if anybody I knew outside of work was attending this event, although I highly doubted it. I had no way of telling though, as everyone was wearing some kind of face covering and went by an alias.

As the poor animals were wheeled off the stage, I couldn't help but ask myself, 'When the FUCK is this thing going to start?' As if they had read my mind, Millie and Ainara walked onto the stage, waving as they walked. "Welcome," Millie spoke, "I want to start this off by saying thank you ALL for coming to this event today. I appreciate your willingness to attend and hope you enjoy the showing, as me and my peers worked very hard on tonight, just for all of you."
Now, she may seem like a normal person by what she has said so far, but just wait a few seconds and her personality will come out in a spur of vibrant colours (I later found out that at the start of the speech she was reading off a script). Her character was unusual for someone working in the crime industry, and is one of the reasons she became so well known around the globe. "You guys aren't going to believe the offers we have on, like oh my god. You will 100% be able to live laugh love in these conditions. Vanessa! You won't believe your eyes my smexy materiol gworls!!! 🤪🤪🤪"

See? I told you she had an. . .interesting character. Well, I guess it didn't really matter what she was like, because in the end she was the boss and had the cargo everyone was SO desperate for. 'Will they just hurry up?'

As if (again) reading my mind, various people were lead onto the stage and stood helplessly as they were being fought for, like kids fighting over a toy. In the end, they were always sold at unreasonably high prices. Although it didn't really matter to me because Millie looked very content with the sales and was whispering frantically to Toots. I assumed it was due to the money (it is Millie's favourite thing in the world, she might aswell be married to it). I was slowly drifted off until something caught my eye.. Or should I say someone?

I quickly raised my head to see a skinny, about 5'7" man on top of a large podium, shyly turning his head away to avoid the judging stare of the crowd. In response, one of the workers (Jerry, as I was later informed) stormed on stage, grabbed his face and turned it to face the audience. In the light, I could see who the familiar boy was...


Finally, we finished this chapter. It took a while to finish writing it, but we got there in the end. I honestly can't believe how funny we actually managed to make this, I couldn't stop laughing whilst writing my part of it tbh lmfao
[[Toots - WTFDWD]]

Written: 13/3/22
Edited/Proofread: 14/3/22
Words: 1045

I hate [**love**] you --- Shay x DudleyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu