5. 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠.

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  Trigger warning: Attempted assault.

The dance floor was packed with couples who swayed lovingly with their partners. I spotted Nadia chatting with a certain guy by the free bar. She glanced my way for a moment, her eyes widening once she saw who had my hand. I could see the inner battle through her eyes, but I expressed silently that I was okay. We stopped by a corner as Pablo grabbed my waist hauling me to his chest.

"So... How's med school going?" he muttered fake concern oozing from each word he spits.

I shrugged avoiding his intense gaze, "It's great. "

"Despite the disapproval from your father?" he taunted twirling me around and back to his arms. I contemplated stepping on his foot or even kicking his dick but decided against it. It could cause quite a drop to his reputation.

"I don't care," I growled.

I skeptically gaze at him when he halts our movements and leads us out of the spotlight towards some men standing by an art expo. They had their backs turned to us so I couldn't point out their faces apart from the dark locks that adorned their heads. From the expensive dark suits that hugged their bodies perfectly, I presumed they were part of the hidden world.

"We meet again, Santos,"  Pablo gleamed drawing the strangers' attention to us.

My eyes widen, bewildered at what I discern. Those eyes... Electric blue eyes that taunted me weeks ago. He looked so fresh and more attractive than the last time I saw him. All the cuts and bruises were almost invincible but I could see the slight one on the side of his forehead, the long locks droop loosely on his head enhancing his eyes.

I couldn't point out if he recognized me through his stoic expression. It made him look way older than what I suppose he was. A cough brought me out of my daze and I looked at the source to be the man who stood beside him. He wore a weird smile as his eyes looked from the brooding man to me.

"Nice to see you too, Pablo," he replied letting his gaze waver from me to the man beside me. " This is Valdez, my right-hand man, and brother," he introduced the second man. He shoots me a wink, a sly smirk coating his lips. I choose to smile instead since Pablo not so discretely pulled me to his side.

This motherfucking dickhole chimpanzee.

"Gentlemen, meet Amira Smith, she's mine,"

I wished to instantly lash at him in protest but he squeezed my side digging his fingers, a clear warning not to defy him. I smirked lifting my chin high, I wouldn't let him. I'll stand up for myself this time.

I sweetly smiled at the gentlemen, taking note of how the Santos guy kept on flicking his eyes to my chest, "I'm Amira and nobody owns me."

"Please excuse her. She's mentally unstable at the moment," he dryly chuckles. " Right, baby?"

Say what?

The brooding stranger smirked his eyebrows raising while he stared at me. I tried to open my mouth again but he beat me to it.

"No worries. Now, will you excuse us? We have important things to handle at the moment," he said shooting me a side glance, I could swear I saw his eyes peek down to the valley of my breasts but was short-lived when he passed us, his clothed shoulder glazing mine briefly bringing unknown shivers down my spine. Even his cologne smelled great, I couldn't exactly point out the scent since Pablo was all up in my space, but at least I got a little sniff.

"Do you feel thrilled that you've now shamed me in front of my competitors?" he whisper-yelled his eyes burning with rage. I'm sure mine wasn't different from the glare I sent his way.

"You know what, you manipulative piece of shit, I've never been happier in my twenty years of age," I spit detaching myself from his firm hold but he pulls me back connecting our chests.

He smirks looking from me to something behind me," We would have been so happy together. It's a shame though because I don't care,"

He roughly grabs my arm, leading us out of the dance floor. I look behind me to see if I could spot any familiar face but I sight none. Where is Nadia and my good-for-nothing father?

I'm briskly led to a series of rooms where he passes all of them, halting at one.

I yank my arm off him, "Where are you taking me?"

He grabs it back pulling me to his chest," Stop pretending like you don't want this. I'm the heir to the Russian mafia, I do what I want."

"Let me go you crazy fuck. I want nothing to do with you,"

He snickers pushing me into the darkroom. I struggle against him as I kick and pull in his arms. On impulse, I kick his stomach and run for the door handle but he beats me to it by grabbing my hair hauling me back onto him.

He roughly throws me on the enormous bed my body bouncing at the force,
" I've missed this body... I want to have a taste," he jumps on top of me trailing his fingers down to my open slit. I struggled against him, but he grabbed my hands locking them above my head, and proceeds to connect his dirty mouth with my neck.

"Stop struggling no one can hear you and if so, they can't do anything,"

"Let me go, you can't keep doing this," I cried moving my head to the side dodging the kiss he was about to give me. He grabs my chin connecting our eyes as he harshly connects his fist with my cheek.

"You are a whore. Don't think I didn't see how you eye-fucked that asshole," he boomed punishing me by pressing his body flush against mine.

I feel hot tears stream down my face as I lay there paralyzed. Unpleasant memories came crushing down onto me like a wave as I felt the struggle vanish into the tense air. I let my body fall numb onto the bed and my body give in to what he wanted.

I felt nothing. Even as hot dirty kisses trailed down my neck igniting sickening groans from the man above me, even as I felt him move his rough hands across my slit into my most prized possessions for the first time in years. My thoughts were hazy I couldn't comprehend what lay before me.

"I love how you always responded to me, slut," he grinded onto me. " This dress you have on makes you look so fucking hot!"

I've never felt so dirty, every place his rough hands touched felt so filthy. My insecurities coming back to life.

It could have aroused me if it came from another person, heck it could have if it was the old naive me. The girl who thought everything in this twisted world revolved around a man. I'm not that girl anymore. I won't be that girl. That's why I gathered the last bit of strength I had in me, lifted my free knee, and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He wailed rolling off me clutching onto his mini-dick crying over nothing.

"Fucking disgusting prick!" I yelled getting off the bed but he pulled me back only for me to punch his stomach with my elbow. That'd surely pull him off me.

"You, slut! Get back here! You'll pay for this. Mark my words,"

I ran to the door and roughly yanked it open, not heading to Pablo's warnings behind me. Once I was out into the long path, I ran in the opposite direction not ready to deal with questions on how I looked. I knew I looked bad. My dress was torn on the side and I could feel some ugly bruises form on my cheek.

"Hey, that path is prohibited!"

I didn't listen. I couldn't turn back but the moment I stepped foot, I regretted it. 

Hey lovelies,

Hope you enjoyed it!!

Sorry this one was shorter. Buuut, some drama is to come!!

Buckle up people.



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