"And who might you be?"

10 1 0

"Alrighty, let's see here Dwayne your here, Dean, Julie,  Ken, Luis and Astin-wait where is Astin?" Mr. Tibbles asked looking around

I ran over to them with my luggage.

"Sorry i had to say bye to some people,"

Actually I just woke up a little late which is unlike me because I'm usually pretty good about getting up. Now I am not the ones that wake up at 6 in the morning but I tend to wake up no later than 9.

"It's alright, now you all can pick someone to sit with,"

As i didn't know anybody else except for Dean we were partnered up as well as Dwayne. We got through the excruciating long process then finally to our gate.

The flight was called and soon we all started boarding . I sat in the middle of Dean and Dwayne because I could tell that Dean and Dwayne didn't really mix well together

Soon the plane took off and I sat and talked to Dwayne most of the time as Dean was falling asleep with the loudest rock that you could imagine, gosh that boy.

I found out that Dwayne was from Texas just right below Oklahoma. Our conversation was out to a stop

"Hey country, what position?" I looked behind me and saw Luis with a smirk

"Country? And I'm sorry what" I asked

"Your accent," he replied

Nope. Not this again. Please no. I hate it when people say that you can tell I'm from the southern states by the way I talk like it may be true but please stop commenting on it.

I hummed and turned around

He tapped me on the shoulder again and as I was about to turn around Dean woke up and looked back. Luis's hand quivered back.

"Thanks that was really weird," I said with a chuckle

"No problem, I met you last night, liked you which doesn't happen often and now I've adopted you," he said so normally for such a weird comment

I looked up at him confused and was about to say something when

"Meaning I've taken you under my wing," he said in a duh tone

I just pretended I knew what he meant when really I had absolutely no clue.

The other girl with us, Julie, had come over

"I'm sorry guys but I can't stand Luis. Like yes he is cute but he has no personality and flirts with any and every girl that walks by," she said in a whisper

I laughed and said

"He is fixing for a girlfriend is he not?" I asked while laughing

"SEE COUNTRY," I heard from behind. I gave Luis the weirdest look.

"I'm sorry but was that not the most country thing you've ever heard?" He asked in a duh tone

Everyone looked confused

"I don't know about y'all but I'm going to sleep," I said closing my eyes


"Okay Luis it's time for you to rest your peanut brained head" Julie said laughing and walking back to her seat behind us


"Astin, we are here," someone said shaking me

I nodded and got up and grabbed my carry on.

I am so glad we have a hotel for a few days because I just wanted to sleep.

We all got into a decently big car and we're being driven to a hotel for us to stay in, we met the rest of the team tomorrow.

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