Alberu's Wiki

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(A/n: it is time for our scammy Prince's wiki)

Sorry again for some grammatical errors, typos and miss spelling

Hope you guys enjoy this


In a big room, a bunch of races can be seen

A humans, Dragons and some other tribes are suspiciously getting along...

At least that was the case for the TBOAH people.

Suddenly the being who brought them here came back.

"Ok ok... Time for reacting~ seat down now" at the beings cheerfulness everyone smiled before sitting down.

The being fake cough for a second before smiling again "unfortunately there was a sudden problem a moment before this... So you guys can't react for the future yet"

Everyone was sad hearing this, I mean there's so many things in the future and they needed this information to survive.

"But~ for the compensation, you guys will react to our Beloved Alberu's wiki!"

At that being said everyone regain their posture and excitedly look at the being.

Other than the both Alberu of course.

"I want to see my own wiki!" Tcf! Raon sulked

"Don't worry, it will happen soon~"

"Really?!" Raon happily shout

The being can't help but chuckled and nodded.

"Ahem, so let's start shall we~?"



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Alberu Crossman


Sun of the Kingdom

Scammy Prince (by Raon)
Informant Bob
Dark Tiger
Future King Alberu, the Spear Knight of the Radiant Sun


"Scammy what?!" og! Alberu unconsciously shouted

"It's true tho..." Tcf! Cale muttered that went unheard by many other than tcf! Alberu who's currently sitting beside him

"I heard you!" Tcf! Alberu hissed

Tcf! Cale just shrugged his shoulder

"But wait, what's up with the other tittles"

"It sad that Future king does that mean he will be the king in the near future?"

"Dark tiger? What's that?"

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