Starting Today you are a Host Part 1

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A young girl held onto her mother's hand as they walked towards a mansion. She looked up at the mansion in fascination. It was as big as her house. The girl looked towards her mother and tugged her hand. "Mama, why are we here? Who are we visiting?"

The girl's mother smiled and patted her head. "We, my petal, are visiting a good friend of mine. She has twins a year younger than you and we figured you should meet." A smile appeared onto the girl's face. She was making new friends. The thought of making friends made her excited to meet them.

The mother chuckled at her daughter's excitement. Of course there was another reason they were meeting with her friend today, but she'll find out during the visit. The pair made it to the door and the mother rang the doorbell. The door opened to reveal a butler. He bowed to the two and motioned for them to come in. The mother bowed her head to the butler before walking inside with her daughter.

The mother and daughter stood in the center of the room. They looked up to see a woman at the top of the stairs. Hitachiin Yuzuha smiled at her long time friend and her daughter. She made her way down the stairs and towards the two. She raised her arms and hugged the mother. "Eri! It's good to see you. How was the movie production? Did your art scare anyone?" Eri smiled. "Yuzuha, it was a romance so all I did was use light makeup. The actors and actresses were gorgeous."

Yuzuha chuckled. "Of course they were, you did their makeup after all. Tell me are you able to do my show? It's in two months and I would love it if you could do it." Eri gave her a closed eyed smile and nodded.

The Hitachiin clapped her hands together and smiled along with her. Eri's daughter looked back and forth between the two. She could see the flowers in the background surrounding them. The young girl shook her head and tugged her mother's pants.

Eri looked down, her eyes met with a pair of purple eyes. She gasped and pushed her daughter in front of her. "Yuzuha, you remember Yura don't you?" Yuzuha crouched down and rubbed the girl's head. "Of course I do. It's nice to see you again, Yura."

Yura blushed and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Aunt Yuzuha." Yuzuha laughed. "Please call me Mama, since you're engaged to my boys."

The young girl tilted her head. What did Aunt Yuzuha mean? She was her mama? What was engaged? She looked back at her mother. "Mama? What does Aunt Yuzuha mean? Why is she mama when you're mama? What's engaged?"

Eri scratched her cheek as a sweatdrop formed on her forehead. She wanted to wait a bit before springing the news onto her daughter, but she guessed her best friend couldn't wait.

"Well, my petal, engaged means you're getting married. You see, when mama and Aunt Yuzuha were younger we made a promise that our children would get married to each other. Aunt Yuzuha had twins and since we couldn't decide who would marry you we decided to have them both marry you. That's why Aunt Yuzuha would like you to call her mama, because she will be in the future."

Yura's eyes sparkled. She didn't understand most of what her mother was saying, but she knew what marry meant. She watched a lot of dramas and anime with her mama to understand. It meant she would get to wear a white dress and it would be a big party. The only thing she didn't like was the kiss. Why did adults like kissing? Don't get her wrong, she loved kissing her mama, papa, big sister, and little brother. While she did love kissing them she loved giving them hugs more. Maybe she could hug them instead of kiss. She mentally nodded at her suggestion. It is always better to hug.

The young girl turned towards Yuzuha and grabbed her hands. "Mama Yuzuha, I look forward to being a part of your family!" Yuzuha smiled and nodded with a hum while Eri giggled.

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