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(( A/N: I think the 7th Fast & Furious is my favourite from all of them, but Tokyo Drift is a close 2nd. ))
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"You never want to understand me, Luke!" You yell, and Luke's expression darkens. "You don't think I put my all into this relationship?" He asks and steps forward. "I try my damn hardest to keep this going! I don't know what I would do without you! Can't you see, that I put in so much effort?" He growls. "Well you damn sure don't act like it." You huff, and roll your eyes. "Y/N, look at me." He hisses, and your heartbeat quickens. "You don't anything to do with me! You hate me! You're probably only with me, because you pity me!" You blurt out, tears streaking down your cheeks. "Y/N, don't think that." He whispers, and you back into the wall, and take a deep breath. "You will never understand how I feel about you Luke, you will never understand me. Never." You say, almost confidently. "I give my all to you. I can't live without you, you're always on my mind, and yet you can't even try to think about me." You shake, running a hand through your hair. You watch are fully, as Luke clenches his fists in anger. "Luke," You begin quietly, and his eyes widen in shock, as he comes o realization of what you're about to say. "No." He says, his voice shaking. "I think it's best if we break up." You mumble. "No." He says, in disbelief. "Sorry." You whisper. Luke punches the wall next to you. "Godammit Y/N, can't you see, I love you!" He screams. The first time he's said those words.
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"Michael, listen to me!" You scream, pointing at yourself. "You never listen to me, so why should I return the favor!" He yells back, his voice angry and low. "Michael, stop acting like a child!" You rage. "Stop treating me like one!" He growls back. "How come you never do anything with me, and blame everything on me?" You snarl, tears blurring your vision. "What else do I do? You're the only one holding this relationship. Why can't I help you? Why won't you let me help you?" Michael says softy, taking a step towards you and carefully examining his love. "Because you're never there for me." You whisper, tears falling down your face. You hated crying, it portrayed the weakness that you felt inside. "You're always on tour, or with the lads, or recording. Anything but spending time on me. Haven't you noticed Michael? All I really want is you!" You rant, tugging on the soft roots of your hair. "You don't say I love you to me anymore." Michael whispers, blinking tears out of his eyes and spilling over onto your cheeks. "Because when I said it, you wouldn't say it back. You reasoned. "I'm scared, Y/N," He breathes. "Are we too young to be in love?" He asks. "That's for you to decide. No matter what happens, I will always be in love with you, Michael Gordon Clifford. I'm not going to deny it." You say, and Michael fiddles with his fingers. "Y/N, I'm in love with you, and I'm not going to hide it. I love you to the point where, I can't even describe my love for you, at all. To the point where it hurts my heart to think about being away from you. I love you so much, and that's all I can say. You wouldn't even understand, how much I love you, no matter how hard you try. When you say you love me more, baby, I can't tell you how wrong you are. I'm head over heels for you. I've lost control, I don't want it back. Y/N, I love you." Michael confides, tears slipping down his cheeks. "I love you." You whisper, and wrap your arms around his neck.
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"I don't want to hear your lies!" Ashton roars, backhanding a lamp an sending it flying across the room. "Ashton, baby listen!" You sob, wiping the tears off of your blotchy face. "Shut up!" He screams, then throws a vase, with white lilies he had gotten you, at the floor. "Ashton, I would never lie to you!" You yell, your tears had stopped. "Well, I don't know that, now do I?" He asks, sarcastically, his eyes aflame with anger. He grabs a picture of you and him in front of the Eifel tower and hurtles it at the ground. In that he was gazing at you, as if you were the most beautiful person ever. The love in his eyes for you was indescribable, and he was grinning at you like a fool. Before he can do any other destruction, or say something both of you would regret, you glide over the floor and grab Ashton's muscular arms, and turn him towards you. Even though he was taller than you, you felt like you had the upper hand. "Ashton," You whisper, his breathing shallow and his eyes red and wild. "Baby, look at me." You say quietly, and cup his face. He turns his hazel gaze towards you. "I love you." You breathe out, and Ashton lays his large hands over yours. He lets out a sob, and tears are streaking sown his face. "You need to break, before I can fix you." You murmur, wiping his tears away with the pads of your fingers."
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"You always tell me the same exact thing, but you never come home!" You yell, running your hands through your hair. "You tell me that you'll be back at midnight, but come back at noon the next day, and you're still drunk!" You continue, pacing the bedroom, back and forth. "Calum, do you know how worried I get?" You're shaking at this point. "Y/N, I kno-" Calum begins, but you cut him off, by raising your hand. "Calum, you've been making way too many mistakes in this relationship." You sigh, and Calum's face falls. "Y/N, I can't live without you, I need you. If I could be without you, I wouldn't come home at all." He pleads. "Maybe it's better that you don't." You whisper, and his posture physically weakens. "I promise, I'll live up to my promise, just give me one more chance. I'm in love with you and all your little things. Just please, Y/N, baby, give me one more chance." He begs, folding his hands. "Just one more." You bargain, and his face breaks into a smile. "Thank you so much, baby!" Calum exclaims, and picks you up and twirls you around. He gently places you on your feet, and cups your face with his rough calloused hands. "I won't let you down, I promise." He whispers, before leaning down and catching your lips with his pouty, soft ones.
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5 Seconds Of Summer Preferences
FanfictionI write these preferences about Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton from 5 Seconds of Summer. please private message me for art credits © @eliotwaugh via wattpad