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(( A/N: Omf, I'm obsessed with Terrible Things by Mayday Parade. I'm getting a tingly feeling in my vajayjay just thinking about it. Might as well write a preference about it lol.
So, I had this idea that he's telling your child how he met you. (( How i met you mother omg im laughinf )) But you're dead. And so the story is same for all of the boys, but its a different part of the story, do you get it? Except Calum's . it's your funeral. ))
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"By the time I was your age, I'd give anything, to fall in love truly, was all I could think."
"Nathan," Luke says, after clearing his throat. Nathan looks up from his homework. "Yeah?" Luke motions for Nathan to come to him. "C'mere." Nathan suspiciously gets up and sits next to Luke on the couch. He carefully looks at his 17 year old son and lets out a sigh. "Do you remember anything about your mum?" Luke asks. "I, a little bit." Nathan says, looking at his hand, folded up in his lap. "When I couldn't sleep at night, she would stay with me the entire time until I fell asleep. I can barely remember her face." Nathan mumbles. "When I was your age, I met your mum. I fell in love with her." Luke says, his voice shaking. "I never knew that I could love someone. I was all over the place, you know?" Luke lets out a chuckle. "We were touring everywhere. I thought that love while doing that, was impossible." Nathan nods. "You mum was a wonderful person." Luke says, putting his hand on Nathan's shoulder.
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"She said, 'Boy can I tell you a terrible thing? It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks.'"
"One day, she told me, that she was very sick and wouldn't live that long." Michael whispers tears in his eyes. We did almost everything on her bucket list. It was pricey but we did." Michael says, his voice cracking at almost. Y/D/N, puts her small hand on Michaels shoulder. "What did mum not do?" She asks quietly, almost afraid. "She wanted to see you graduate. She wanted to grow old with me. She wanted to see her grandkids. But more importantly, she wanted to see her beautiful daughter grow into a outstanding woman." Michael says, tears spilling all over his face. "Exactly how you are today." Michaels voice doesn't mirror his emotion. "I don't remember anything about mum, but I remember every detail about mums funeral." Y/D/N says, pain evident in her voice. "They say, you forget what you want to remember, but remember what you want to forget."
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"Too young to notice, too dumb to care. Love was a story that couldn't compare."
"Oh, Anthony. Ever since your mum died, I haven't fallen in love again. I can't." Ashton says, burying his face in his hands. "Sometimes, I can't stand to look at you." Ashton whispers, turning his face to look at his son. "You look too much like her. You have her nose, her lips, her ears, her chin..." Ashton begins trailing off. "It's been so long. She took half my heart with her, fuck, my entire heart!" Ashton exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. "Dad," Anthony says soothingly. Ashton rubs his eyes. "Anthony, your mother is indescribable." Ashton pauses, searching for words to describe Y/N. "Nothing can compare to her." Ashton states, looking deeply into his sons eyes, while Anthony runs a hand through his curly ginger hair, uncomfortably.
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"Slow, so slow. I fell to the ground, on my knees."
"Y/N, sweetheart. Wake up!" Calum called as he rushed toward her coffin. The top half was open and her eyes were closed, a small smile playing on her lips. The bottom half was closed and had a bouquet of flowers on top. Y/D/N clutches onto Mali-Koa's shirt. "Aunty, where's mummy?" She asks looking up into her chocolate eyes. Mali curls her arm around Y/D/N's shoulders. "She's gone to a wonderful place, and maybe in a long time, you'll be with her." Mali answers looking fearfully at Calum as a tear escapes her eye. She quickly wiped it away, and flinches as her brothers sobs fill the funeral home. "Does daddy want to go back to mummy?" Y/D/N asks. Oh so innocent, Mali thinks. "Yes he does." Mali replies, and Calum falls to his knees, shaking from his sobs. Calum regains his posture and stands up. He takes Y/N's cold hand in his. "Wake me up now, and tell me this is all a bad dream." Calum insists.
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5 Seconds Of Summer Preferences
FanfictionI write these preferences about Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton from 5 Seconds of Summer. please private message me for art credits © @eliotwaugh via wattpad