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My name is Rhineland Ganzen Seiten, I am the leader of Wehrmacht company and 2nd Supreme commander of Germany, which is the leader of Germany and pre-enemy of mine named Reden Wir Morgen chose me.

[Rhineland, except he doesn't have the design flag and decal]

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[Rhineland, except he doesn't have the design flag and decal]

(I created the character using VRoid)

How did I become the 2nd Supreme commander of Germany, When and where I was born? The answer, I didn't, I was alone and found. I was age 9 precise if I presume, and it was the year 1920, I was in abandoned village outskirts of city Berlin, Bucher Frost, roaming around to find anything to survive unknowingly without memories. But until then... The ground starts shaking and heard loud roaring engines, and then I saw a tank, a very large one, it's a VK100.01p of course, and it's coming this way. I ran into an abandoned house to hide from that tank.

 I ran into an abandoned house to hide from that tank

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[Image not mine, belongs to rightful owner]

The noise is getting closer and Louder until it stopped moving, I peeked into a window and saw a person in the cupola of the tank, he was wearing a black German commander outfit. The engine died down, the tank was very big, and it looked unstoppable, the person came down to his tank. He was scanning around the area, but one thing I was amazed and satisfied, every time he turns his head, the turret of the tank will also follow its movement. Take notice there was no crew on that tank just only him, if there was, there would be a conversation noise inside the tank.

As I keep looking astonishing at him and his tank until he looked in my direction, I quickly hide, and I was thinking to escape this village but the door knocked. He knows I'm here in this house, but this person is very calm knowing this guy trying to not harm me. I approached, opened the door, and faced him.

His eyes are silver-gray, he was taller than me, his hair is dark gray, and dressed in a German tank commander uniform

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His eyes are silver-gray, he was taller than me, his hair is dark gray, and dressed in a German tank commander uniform. He tipped his hat to me; I can see him as a good and polite person. We introduced ourselves, his name is Reden Wir Morgen, he was a supreme commander at that time, on the way to being a leader of Germany.

So, we talk to each other about him, his country, his people, and more. That time I trusted him and became friends with him. When the sun is getting to set, he offered me to come with him to become like him or to live in the city. So, I accepted his offer. We went and climb to his tank and I sat beside the cupola. The engine roars, we departed and left the village, the tank is quite faster than the original ones as he told me it was originally an extremely very slow tank in the frontline making it vulnerable to airstrikes or artillery. I ask him curiously about his tank and therefore the tank was modified, and it can work only one person or with crews basically, like remote control but with synchronization through its human body signals or gestures, the mechanics of the tank is only used when wearing a technological visor, although there are many-many variants on it. But only Germany has that technology at that time. Later it was Cooperated with NACA.

But he told me there was a special visor that can control All types of Vehicles, Aircraft, and Ships, although it was still a prototype testing for purpose. After our talk ended, we continue our journey.

We arrived in the city of Berlin at nighttime, it was very crowded and busy buying food until we arrived at Reichstag. There were many tanks and vehicles parked on side of the streets some of them half-tracks, others used them as a dining area, meaning there was a celebration is going on. As we climb down from his tank and someone shouted his name. The soldiers gather and formation themselves at us. And they salute (Just regular salutes kay?). He introduces me to them, his soldiers.

The next two days, he recruited me to Wehrmacht company, including school enrollment, and gave me a visor, although it is a very simple variant. He taught me basic military equipment, tank handling, and tactics. Without him, I trained harder than I can to become like him.

So how did I handle a single tank? Simple, very simple, it requires a visor, and it applies to any ground vehicles as well, how can I say this? Let's say "the turret is your head or eyes and your legs are tracks nor wheels. You move Mentally, the tank moves...". Unless it's commanded to follow the user, if the user decides the tank stays, and you move to scout enemy base camps or to ambush, it needs a command to do it, so basically it is very commonly used for tank destroyers and Artillery users.

 Unless it's commanded to follow the user, if the user decides the tank stays, and you move to scout enemy base camps or to ambush, it needs a command to do it, so basically it is very commonly used for tank destroyers and Artillery users

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[It may look like this, by the way, this one is the current and no NASA, yet there was NACA]

[It may look like this, by the way, this one is the current and no NASA, yet there was NACA]

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[And This is Early Version]

When you're in the tank, you just like walking, running, and marching in the streets, but mentally it's not that really hard though you just think when you wanted to walk or run, by the way, it depends on the tank models between speed. The artillery is required two persons to operate, by the way, two people mean two visors.

When you fire a tank, you snap your fingers or clap to do it. Others are directly pointed to its enemy and fires it immediately or by looking only since the visor can read the mind of the actions of its user, no need to shout or something. To snipe far away from distances, especially the tank destroyers, the Visor features a rangefinder or binocular zoom. In artillery, it doesn't have it, they needed a map and coordination of the target area, radioed by other users. However, the Artillery can be special sometimes.

If you want the tank safe to prevent hijackers, what if you don't? Simple since the AI was invented and tested by someone's cooperation with Alliance in 1919 or 1920 The tanks can be automated by, Guarding and Patrolling only unless it's commanded. It's useful when you're away, especially in forest missions when hiding your tank.

What about Aircraft and ships? They're still in development and being tested, therefore it'll be a very long time to finish it because they're different from ground vehicles. After all, they're much bigger and different levels.


As you can read here in this story. The technology is advanced yet basic. This was an unknown advancement as I decided on it. So it's remains unknown who gain the knowledge theory and passed all the way through generation on this story.

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