Levi X Reader Remembering Sunday

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He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes, started makin' his way past 2 in the morning, he hasn't been sober for days...

Levi woke up from yet another nightmare. Perhaps the third one that night. "Fucking shit..." he muttered while panting heavily. He hated those nightmares that plagued his mind and him drinking the day before didn't help either. He sighed and decided to get up and go to the kitchen. Going back to sleep wasn't an option anymore, another nightmare would just plague him once again. He put on his shoes and headed to the kitchen. He checked his alarm clock, it read 2:17 a.m. '2:17 huh, barely past 2. New record... Whoopdy-fuckin-do' he thought sarcastically. He made his usual black tea and went outside.

Leaning now into the breeze, Remembering Sunday, he falls to his knees. They had breakfast together but two eggs don't last like the feeling of what he needs...

When he got outside, he was greeted by the gentle breeze and the stars that were outside. As he takes a sip of the tea, he recalls the events of the Sunday about three weeks ago.


He had awoken from his slumber, one that did not interrupt him with vicious night terrors. The reason behind his relaxing sleep was the (ravenette, blonde, brunette, redhead, etc.) next to him still sound asleep. Levi decided to take up the opportunity to make breakfast for the both of them. After much pondering, he decided to make eggs. She woke up rubbing her (e/c) eyes still groggy. "Good morning (y/n).", he greeted. "Hey Levi.", she replied tired. "There's eggs. Wanna eat?", he asked. All she did was hum in reply. The meal didn't last long, but it was nice.

*end of flashback*

Now, three weeks later, he still remembers the little breakfast they had. The meal wasn't long, yet the feeling of her warmth, the feeling of her skin was lingering. He needed her.

Now this place is familiar to him she pulled on his hand with a devilish grin she led him upstairs, she led him upstairs, left him dying to get in...

That same Sunday, she acted a bit strange. For one, she usually woke up earlier, made breakfast and left. This was all done before Levi even woke up. Secondly, she was a bit more... Energetic? She usually was stoic, calm but she would have her cute little quirky side show sometimes. She was more excited in 'those' terms. After they had finished eating, a little devilish smirk played on her lips, and she dragged Levi upstairs. He didn't deny her even once. But what he wanted was not what he got. Instead of doing 'that' like he so desired, he received a long, passionate kiss and a big hug. With that, she said "Good bye Levi.", with a smile and left. He so wanted her but she left him with his desires.

Forgive me, I'm trying to find, my calling, I'm calling at night. I don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl? She's been running through my dreams and it's driving me crazy it seems. I'm gonna ask her to marry me...

She has been running through his mind for those past 3 weeks. It was driving him insane. He needed to see her. And he thought that asking her to marry him was a great idea. He was thinking about it a while back and he did buy the ring, just in case he had decided to actually go through with it. So, with that in mind, he decided to ask her for her hand in marriage.

Even though she doesn't believe in love, he's determined to call her bluff, who could deny these butterflies, they're filling his guts.

She told him that she didn't want anything to do with love. None of it. But Levi knew that she was bluffing and he was determined to call it. He knew that he gave her butterflies but she gave it to him even more. Hell, even the thought of her gave him chills. He was determined to make her say those three words: I love you.

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