🜸 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁 𝖽𝖺𝗒

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WARNINGS: death, mention of attempted suicide

"What kind of meeting is this?" "Where's the rest of Toman?" Baji and Nahoya asked as everyone invited showed up to the meeting.

"As you guys might know, Luma's birthday is in about a week. They don't wanna do anything too extreme since their grandma's health is declining quickly. But, we still need to do something nice for them so they can enjoy their birthday," Mikey told the group.

"We should just hang pictures of tits everywhere. They'd definitely enjoy that," Nahoya laughed, causing his brother to tell him to be quiet. "We should get them a cake with a Chase Atlantic line on it!" Baji suggested. "That's good! They have a lot of favorite quotes though."

"Ooh! From 'What U Call That' we could do something with the line 'cocaine stains on my Nikes," Nahoya said. "Imagine their mom seeing their kids' birthday cake say 'cocaine stains on my Nikes.' She'd probably kill us." Chifuyu stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Luma's mom is the only other person I'd let kill me." "Really?" Draken stared at Nahoya. "Luma's mom's a MILF! No wonder they're so hot...as in they're hot from the weather. Yeah, totally." Nahoya tried twisting his words as Mikey glared at him.

"What if we make it so that— what was their favorite guy's name...umm..." "Wasn't it like Christian or something?" "Yes! The one with the messy blonde hair. What if we take a line from 'Heaven and Back' and make it sound like he's saying, "Will you go to Heaven and back with me?" Mitsuya suggested.

"We tried giving them a cake once with their celebrity crush wishing them 'Happy Birthday' back when they were obsessed with One Direction." Baji and Draken's eyes shrunk, remembering Luma's One Direction phase.

"They got so pissed off knowing Louis didn't actually write it for them they left their own party." Mikey explained, recalling the memory.

"He didn't actually say that!" Luma cried as they ran upstairs to their room, slamming the door as Hayami followed them down the hall trying to calm them down.

"I cannot believe that kid sometimes," Hayami sighed as she rubbed her eyes and descended down the stairs. "Okay Hayami, calm down." Her mother spoke in a sympathetic voice, trying to reassure her stressed daughter. Luma's father was away on 'business' at the time so Hayami had to deal with the tantrums and fights they would have regularly. It wasn't like it was new to her. Taking care of Luma has always been Hayami's thing. Her husband didn't contribute anything towards helping his child.

"Luma's a genius," Mikey said calmly.

"Got it! No celebrity message." Mitsuya nodded. "We've all seen the daisy they wanted to add onto the anchor, right?" Baji asked. A few nodded. Baji took out his phone to show the picture of what Luma wanted to add onto their anchor tattoo. It was a yellow daisy with the stem wrapping around the tattoo. Their grandma's favorite flower was a daisy while both their grandparents' favorite color was yellow.

DEATH STAR ᝰ 𝘵𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴Where stories live. Discover now