#2. Nikolai Gogol

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    I will take out his bones and boil them in water along with some vegetables and spices to make a fantastic bone broth. I will then strain the ingredients and leave the broth in the pot. Then, I will cut off his dumpster and skin it, removing any excess bone fragments or debris caught under the skin. I will wash the raw meat and make sure it has been drained of blood, then take it to the chopping block. I would then separate the fat from the muscle, and I will keep the fat for later, perhaps to make an oil for the soup. I will bring the broth to a simmer again, and put the meat in to cook. I will cover the pan and leave it to stew for 2 hours and 18 minutes.

      Once I come back, I will open the pot and take out a small piece of meat to cut it open and see if it is cooked to my liking. The meat will be slightly red, just the way I like it. I will remove the rest of the meat and keep it warm in a container until I finish the dish. 

      To make the noodles, I will add egg yolks into a well of flour and knead it to create noodles, and then bring another's pot of water to a boil. I will cut the noodle dough into strips, and add them to the plain water to boil. I will stir them gently, and make sure they are fully cooked. I will pull out a large, grey and white patterned fine china bowl, and begin to pour the broth in it. I will strain the noodles, and add them into the broth once the bowl is prepared. I will also add a peanut oil and pepper flakes mixture, to add some extra flavor. I will set some more water to boil in a small pot to boil an egg. While it's boiling, I will cut and boil some vegetables; using things like carrots and zucchini. I will fry up some shredded and caramelized onions and take the egg out of the water.

      I will then start to assemble the dish. I will add some lettuce, and the boiled vegetables, and I will cut the boiled egg after peeling it to find that it has a slightly runny yolk. I will carefully place the egg in the bowl on top of the noodles and begin working on the meat. I will gingerly cut the tender slab and place it in the bowl. After adding some sauce and additional garnish, the Gogol soup will be complete. I wonder if it tastes like duck, since a gogol is a wild duck.

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