11. 0111011110 3RR0R (glitched Karl amd winged Karl )

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Alex's POV:

I woke up with the sunlight glowing in my face. I looked to my side seeing Karl wasn't there. I felt bad I couldn't really do anything about last night. Although I did bandage him.. AH SH.. I MEAN AH CRAP. SCHOOL! THATS WHY KARL'S GONE. I grabbed one of Karl's uniforms cuz I can and changed in to it. I went down stairs and looked at the sleeping child. We can't just leave her here.. I decided since Dream had oss (out school supination.) I"d see if he could watch after her. I called Dream Aka Clayton.
*ring ring*
Clay: Hello?
Alex: Hello Dream!
Clay: What do you want? To brag in my face I don't get to go to school?
Alex: Actually Karl kidnapped this child last night and I was wondering if you could watch over her?
Clay: He did what now?-
Alex: The party last night. He saw a child there and kidnapped her.
Clay: Oh.. Yeah sure I guess. I have nothing better to do.
Alex: Great! I'm coming now since I'm already late for school.
Clay: Ok bye!
Alex: Bye, see you soon!

Nobody's POV:

Alex picked up Kelly and put on his shoes. He walked her to Dream's house and began his late walk to school. Once he got there he got his late pass.
The assistant principal: "Why were you late?"
Alex: "I slept in. Haha.."
The assistant principal: "Ok here's your late pass. Now get to class."
Alex: "Yes ma'am!"

Quackity grabbed the pass and went to his class.
Teacher: "Just take your seat.."

Quackity saw they were doing a project and that Karl was sitting alone without a partner.. He sat beside Karl and Karl smiled. They began working until Karl interrupted Quackity reading the rules.
Alex: "So we have t-."
Karl: "Wait- What did you do with Kelly?"
Alex: "Oh, she's with Dream."
Karl: "Are you sure she's safe?"
Alex: "I'm sure she's fine."
Karl: "But-"
Alex: "Karl-"
Karl: "My body hurts-."
Alex: "*sigh*, go to the n-"

Karl then glitches not badly but yeah.

Alex: "?!"

Alex knew they'd have to escape school but there was only 2 hours left. (Yes Quackity was that late. :> ) He raised his hand.
Teacher: "Yes Alex?"
Alex: "Can I go to the uhh.. Bathroom?"
Teacher: "Of course!"

He secretly put Karl on his back and walked out when the teacher wasn't looking. He looks both right and left twice before making a short dash into the bathroom like a spy. He then looked left and right again to make sure nobody wasn't coming. He saw a boy coming out a classroom. He looked rich and prim perfect. He walked into the bathroom.
The boy: "What are you doing? Either use the bathroom or go to class. I am not afraid to tell the teacher!"

Alex should've known this boy was spoiled. Of course he didn't see Karl on Quackity's back. He walked past them and used the bathroom . Quackity then looked left and right again. Of course he knew he couldn't dash out of the building. He would get caught. He walked silently to his locker like he was getting something. He then saw nobody guarding the front door hinting the assistant principal was using the bathroom. He then silently speed walks to the door looking around making sure he wouldn't get caught and stepped foot out of the building. Of course the assistant principal was about to come back but since nobody was looking Quackity ran to Karl's house knowing he only lived with Kelly.

Quackity unlocked the door as Karl was crying in pain. Quackity then closed the door behind him and walked upstairs slowly so Karl wouldn't fall. He then put Karl down on the bed. He saw Karl crying. .
Alex: "Shh shh shh."

Karl then slightly glitched. Quackity ✨googled some random question of what to do when someone glitches. Of course it was "get medical help." Quackity then sadly called 911.


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