Chapter 3

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Both Mic and Aizawa are at the airport waiting for their visitors and their new boxer. After a few hours their visitors finally came. They saw Rodolfo as well as 4 other people. 3 of them they assume are the trainers. The first one is a tall man, possibly 6ft or 6,1 with a bird head with some gray hair, mid 40's and was also built but lean. The 2nd one is a somewhat a short guy, around 5,7 with a cap and a beard, he's a mid 50's. The 3rd one is also somewhat short, also around 5,7 but a bit older with a cap but with no beard. And behind them...they saw their boxer.

A short young man, standing at 5,2, wearing a black hoodie, they saw his hands and it was a tannish, pale brown color. He later pulled off his hoodie, revealing that he have a bird head just like the other guy but he doesn't have gray hair, plus he seem more leaner and slimmer. The boxer from Mexico. . .Fumikage Tokoyami.

"Hello gentlemen, nice to meet you two again." Said Rodolfo as she shake both Mic and Aizawaw hands.

"Nice to meet you too as well." Said Aizawa as he shakes his hand. "Who are they." Asked Mic

The tall guy then proceeded to say who he is. "Hello my name is Asuka Tokoyami but people call me Azúcar, I'm the Fumikage's father and trainer." He then pointed at the two other guys. "That Orlando and his brother Carlos. They're also his trainers." He said to which the both Orlando and Carlos wave high to them. Mic and Aizawa greeted them. While they were walking, people started recognizing both Mic and Aizawa.

"Oh my god it's Present Mic and Eraserhead." Someone said to which cause other people attention in the airport. They were surrounding him asking to take a picture with them or just to see them. Until something got their eye, they saw a young man behind them and they actually recognize him which cause them to gasp. "No way!" Said someone before everyone screamed. "It's that Mexican kid." "Woah no way, he's here?" "Why is he here?" This kinda surprised both Aizawa and Mic as well as kinda confusing them. "Wait you all know him." Asked Mic

"If we know him, dude this guy is famous in Mexico."

"Yeah, he's the famous boxer from Mexico. This man is brutal."

"My friends who don't even know the president's name over there, even know him."

"Why is he here anyway." Asked someone.

"Well it's because he'll be one of our new boxer for U.A." Aizawa said to which everyone stayed quiet before yelling.

"No way, he's the new boxer!"

"Oh you guys are fore sure gonna win with him."

"If you guys have him, you'll be undefeated."

After a few hours, they were finally outside the Airport to a cab to which they are at the campus walking while talking about U.A problem with boxing. "Have your students train." Asked Asuka. "Yes we did but most of them don't even want to train cause they said "it's to easy." Or "I will win without training." Said Aizawa somewhat annoyed by the kids response.

"Tsk, tsk. That why I always say train hard to win or don't to lose." Said Asuka with Rodolfo agreeing.

"It just some of them are just to depended on their quirks. One of our students got disqualified and got his licensed suspended from boxing for 2 years for using his quirk." Said Mic while talking to them.

"Well, I got a feeling that with a win you'll finally get. To which your students will see and work hard." Said Rodolfo.

Both Mic and Aizawa saw Fumikage talking to Orlando and Carlos but they were taking each other in Spanish which they didn't understand what their saying.

"Does he speak any Japanese or English." Asked Mic. Asuka shook his head. "No, me and the family moved to Mexico when he was five cause I was offer a job there. But he did pick up a little English since he went to school on the other side of the border (Laredo, Texas, USA)." Said Asuka. "Even though he doesn't speak well English or Japanese, me and the family do speak Spanish to Fumikage."

"Do you have any more kids." Asked Aizawa. "Yes I do. 3 boys and 1 girl. My first born is Inoue Tokoyami, my second born is Koki Tokoyami, the third born is Fumikage, and my fourth born is Mimi Tokoyami." Said Asuka in a happy tone talking about his kids.

"Are they all in boxing." Asked Mic.

"Yes they are. Inoue and Koki were the first ones, Fumikage was third and then Mimi as she is still in amateur. Fumikage is the only one undefeated. By the way, he was the first one to speak Spanish before them." He said with a chuckle with a deep tone.

"Are you and his trainers in boxing." Asked Aizawa.

"Yes, I was the former Japan boxing champion (JBC but lost the title), and the WBA and IBA champion but I retired when Fumikage was around 4. My record is 49-3." Asuka said which shocked both Mic and Aizawa. He then pointed at Orlando and Carlos. "Orlando was the IBF champion with the record of 56-4-1 and Carlos was the WBO champions with the record of 53-7. We all still have our titles to this day." When he said that both Mic and Aizawa already knew they have a good team with them. They then later stopped and finally made it to the gym, so that Fumikage can work on his movement, punches, and technique. While Fumikage was preparing himself, Mic and Aizawa were still talking to Asuka and Rodolfo.

Tokoyami took of his hoodie revealing a slim, tan, somewhat toned body with a black tank top. He went inside the boxing ring while warming up and putting on hand wrapped on his hands. He's in the middle with his 2 trainers outside the ring, watching him to see and make sure everything is good and to see his punches and movement.

He's ready to show what he got and can do. To show what he got.

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