Risking it All

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'Hello?'I asked.
Now: Summer's POV
'Hi, is this Summer? Summer James, that is.' A voice said from the other end.

'Uhhh, sorry,' to say I was confused was an understatement. Only two people have my number and that's my coach and the hospital.' I mean, yes. This is Summer. Can I help you?'

'Right, hello Summer. My name's Jill. Jill Ellis. I don't know if you're aware but I'm the head coach of the Senior Women's National Team. Anyways, I'm calling in regards to our January camp coming up in a couple weeks. I would love to call you up, but as it's come to my attention, you've denied offers from the youth teams before.' They, well she, spoke.

'I have. Look I'm sorry, um, before you go any further, just I'm not sure I'd be able to come.' I lied. I know lying's bad. I don't enjoy doing it, but if I leave, especially for the weeks I'd be gone for camp, I'd never be able to come back. And even if I hate it here, I don't know where else I could go. He'd literally kill me if I just disappeared for weeks, and I'm not an adult so I can't just leave without consequences. So I lied. What's the big deal. Safety vs. Honesty. And I chose safety. Ok, maybe not safety safety but the safer choice in the end.

I could hear a soft chuckle on the other end, which confused me nonetheless. 'I thought you might say that.' They, Miss Ellis said.

'I'm sorry.' I questioned, becoming more confused with where this conversation was going.

'Listen Summer, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed with your talent, and I'm aware of your previous rejections to National league offers. But I'd like this time to be different. We already cover all gear, housing, and travel fees. As well as, most dining as majority of the meals are team meals at the hotel. I know it's a lot to ask as you seem incredibly hesitant but if you could just give it a chance. You have incredible potential that half the world has already read about and I'd love to expand that to a National even international level if you give me the opportunity. So, what do you say, James?' Miss Ellis argued.

I'm not joking when I say this might be one of if not the hardest decision I've ever had to make. On the one hand, going would mean pursuing my dreams and getting to play with the national team even if it's only practice. On the other hand, it could mean risking my life as I know it. Not that it's great, because it's far from it, but I'd never be able to come back. He'd kill me. But if I go, I'd be far from him. He couldn't do anything. Until I come back that is. You know what. I can be an adult. And as an adult? My first adulting decision is... screw it.

'Miss Ellis?' I start.

'Summer?' She shoots back.

Just risk it all.

'I'll see you in January.'

A/N: let's not mention that it's been literal months, but here's a small update. I might post another chapter soon. I'm sorry for how slow this is moving, I really planned on updating sooner, but I had finals these past two weeks and exams are in another couple weeks. On top of that I've been super busy recently but I have tomorrow off so maybe. Also summer break is coming quick so you never know.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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