Chapter One: Curiosity and Fear

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Personally I've always thought the underworld was pretty lonely, what with all of our relatives and friends being gone for years and years at a time, and never actually being able to know one person for more than a few months at a time before they are shipped out again. Seems so pointless to me honestly with morale around here being so low lately.

 And now is my turn to be shipped away just like the rest, I am completely terrified of making the wrong decision or taking too long to decide. Tomorrow I will be assigned my first human soul to watch over.

In this place we are reapers. we call it the underworld but from what I have learned humans tend to refer to our home as their hell and to us reapers as demons and devils. I honestly am so curious to see the humans in action but also somewhat terrified. ..

Humans emotions and actions seem to amaze me, I've been told so many stories ranging from them being complete monsters to the most innocent of souls. 

Some reapers never come back the same after visiting the human world. I remember when Terelza (My only friend down here until he was sent to the human world 7 years ago) came back from his first human soul, it was.... terrifying. seeing the misery in his eyes and the way he just seemed so.... depressed after that. He wouldn't tell me what happened exactly but I guess his human died way earlier than they usually do and he didn't have much time to decide on a place for their soul. 

After seeing how he was after his experience in the monstrous human world I started preparing myself and studying up on the way humans function and their behavior. 

But honestly that just caused me to be more terrified of their world and their souls. I wonder why we even keep any of their souls if they are all this terrible. It is traumatizing the reapers. Years ago it never used to be like this. But now a days every reaper comes back with more and more miseries after following a human through their lives. thousands of souls end up burned in the fire pits daily. 

I hope I do well tomorrow. Maybe I just worry too much....

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