Chapter 3 - Understanding Humans

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       ---- that next morning ---

Last night me and the human established that she could not tell anyone about me and I feel as I had to keep coming up with lie after lie just to get this creature to stop talking to me and go to sleep. I am very glad that humans sleep in this world, so eventually she became tired and dozed off. She isn't exactly what I was expecting... she is just so normal... she doesn't seem evil, she seems kind of like the reapers...

No. I shook me head and remembered my training. Humans can be masters of manipulation and are known to be some of the most untruthful creatures. They are evil! if I had my way we would just throw them all into the fire. I do wish they had given me an easier one for my first time but suppose ill have to learn quickly. I wont let this creature destroy my will like they have done to so many others! I will have to just see for myself how terrible these humans are and make my judgment accordingly.

I glanced over from the desk to the sleeping human in the bed her skin was so fair and she was so small, its just hard to believe that she could start wars and kill people and cause such chaos in this place. When she sleeps she much less annoying she had so many questions its absolutely infuriating. I kept staring at her as she breathed faintly and the small hairs on her face slightly blew in the wind she looked so porcelain like the dolls my mother used to keep in our home back in the underworld.... 

My mother used to have an obsession with humans and used to keep collections of dolls she had acquired in the human world... that was until these terrible creatures caused...

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. feeling the hatred fill me again like that day my mother left me behind. I composed myself quickly and turned the chair around to face the small desk in front of me... I need to stop thinking like this... that was a long time ago...

"Layla! Wake up! you will be late for school!" a voice called muffled from a distance. this voice was different than my humans. It sounded more aged and strained when she spoke. It must be an older one. 

"Ill be down in a sec hold on!" I heard Layla behind me yelling loudly. 

I turned to face her bed and watched her as she stretched, rubbing her eyes. she muttered under her breath "I stayed up way to late" then she looked over to me sitting at her desk and yawned some more "Oh you are still here." she muttered as if i was an inconvenience.

I looked at her angrily. i could not believe this human had the audacity to speak to me like i was the one that kept her up all night!! she was the one with all the damn questions!! i crossed my arms and said nothing in exchange turning around and reading some pages in the paranormal book again.

I had decided its best to avoid speaking to the human when its daytime since no one else can see me she would look odd. 

That's when I felt cold fingers touch my arm and i flinched slightly away. suddenly the human jerked her hand away as well "ouch!" she yelled as she looked at the steam coming off her fingers. she shook her hand around to cool it down and then put her fingertips in her mouth with watery eyes. She whined softly as she spoke "That hurt why did you burn me?"

I stood up and looked down at her angrily "YOU ARE THE ONE WHO TOUCHED ME WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOU-". i calmed myself quickly and stepped back from her then said softly "you cannot touch my skin" i pointed to where she had touched my arm which now had red fingerprints revealing the burning heat underneath my skin. i walked over to her and looked at her hand that was now in her mouth then grabbed a t-shirt off her bed and used it to grab her hand from her mouth then sighed as i looked at her charred fingers "Look what you did"

As i was looking at her fingers i looked back at her face and she was staring straight into my eyes and ignoring the fact that she had burned her fingers. 

I looked at her eyes curiously. They were so brightly blue colored. in the underworld we all have dark red eyes. Her eyes intrigued me to be able to have that vibrant blue. My mother used to say she only would buy the dolls with the brightest of blue eyes because it reminded her of the humans ocean.... my mother was a fool to admire these creatures souls but she did have a point about their eyes. they were somewhat beautiful.  

She then pulled her hand away from me after being lost in somewhat of a trance in my eyes and then her pale skin turned bright red and she took a few steps back. and looked down "Well I didn't think my hand would actually touch you.. I'm used to ghosts that I cannot touch...." she mumbled as she spoke still bright red.

I kept looking at her wondering how her face skin just changed colors i read that could be a sign of fever in my human biology lesson. I sat back down in the desk chair and looked at her "Are you sick?" I said calmly

By the confused look on her face I could tell I was very off with my observation. I guess human biology is harder to understand than I thought... 

What a pain. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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