Chapter Two : My First Soul

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Today is the day, My body feels filled to the brim with anxiety of the human world and what it could be. 

I walked into the grand hall of souls passing by the other reapers with their heads bowed down to the ground as i did so. Then approached Lucifer's thrown slowly. The build up to this day has been intense.

I bow to our King Lucifer I  feel a slightest bit relived as he is smiles down at me from his thrown with a small red gem in his hand.  his sharp black horns shining in the lights above him and the golden crown on his head covered in the gems from hundreds of souls that are to be given. He looks down to me with kind eyes 

"Do not fear child, this is and will forever be your fate, trust in yourself that you will make the correct choice!" he spoke clearly and sternly but still had a sense of hope in his voice.

I had always wondered how he did it. Kept hope in this terrible place. If I was king I would have just given up by now.

I hold my hands out to him in order to take the soul, "Yes my king as you wish!",i speak clearly to him while bowing my head in respect. 

He the sets the small gem into the palm of my hands. It was cold for a moment and then a blazing red light shot from it towards the sky and I felt the burning run through my palms and then flow into my body, as I was set ablaze into the flame.

My body began to turn to ash as it flew into this bright blaze shooting up towards the human world. A sadness passed through me as I realized I would be gone for so many years from my home. Only to return after making a very important decision.

Then suddenly I was standing there in a small pink bedroom from the humans world. I still felt the stinging pain of fire on my skin but not like before just a small distant pain.

I looked around the room and froze for a moment, wondering where the human was, I looked down at my hands where the gem used to be. They were burned black and stung slightly when I touched them. I looked around the very small pink bedroom it  felt very... bright.. defiantly not what I was expecting of this place. 

There was a twin mattress in the corner of the bedroom and a closet and desk on the opposite side. No décor on the walls of any sort just very...plain looking.

But where is the human I am meant to watch over?? I think I would defiantly have noticed a baby lying around here. I walked over to the mattress and laid down on it sighing to myself. I probably messed something up. But damn that fire really hurt! i rubbed my hands together groaning about the pain. that seemed so excessive to set me on fire like that!

And How did I already lose the human I am supposed to be watching over??!! jeez I'm ridiculous!

a book that was sitting on the bedside table grabbed my attention and i picked it up to look at it very confused. I glanced at the title of it "Paranormal sightings"

"Like ghosts?" I said to myself quietly about to open the book up  when I almost leaped out of my skin.

"Yep exactly" a female voice said from the other side of the room. half scaring me to death, I was very surprised by this I didn't see her walk in

I shot a look in that direction and saw a human girl standing there. She had short light brown hair and bright blue eyes, and was wearing a white nightgown. she was very skinny with a small frame pale white skin. she was very short looking to be a little over 5 foot tall.

 I began to panic a bit. a human shouldn't be able to hear or see me! Is that really a human? ? it has to be she doesn't have any horns and doesn't have  tail either so there is no way she is from the underworld. I sat there baffled for a moment not sure what to do, I thought maybe I was just hearing things before??

That's when I saw it, the soul gem that Lucifer had handed to me was on a necklace wrapped around her neck. So this was.... the human I am assigned???? What the hell??


"hello?? you are a ghost right?" she said to me in an curious tone then l stepped a little closer putting her hand to her chin examining me closely while I was frozen trying to decide what to do, "Hmm pretty weird that a ghost would have horns though.", she smiled at me "then again they are pretty cool!" she then put her hand out to me to shake my hand "Well anyways hi there! I'm Layla! and dont worry I'm not scared of ghosts! I actually see them all the time!"

Something is wrong here...I wasn't sure what to say so I stuttered my words as I said them "C-can you see me?" I said quietly 

She laughed "You are kidding right?" 

I realized that was a stupid question and ignored her and then walked to the corner of the room farthest from her quickly making my decision to go with her theory not sure why she's older or why she can see me. Her eyes followed me the entire time I did this. 

Is this really what a human is like, I was kind of expecting some sort of monstrous thing not a short skinny girl in pjs. but I know I should keep my guard up regardless and not tell her my job here because it may effect the results i give her. This is going to be very complicated with her able to see me.

I crossed my arms and tried to keep my composure even though I  was losing it on the inside "Yeah I'm a ghost. just ignore me then"

She frowned and crossed her arms "So u sit in my bed and look through my book and then just stand over there and tell me to ignore you??" she sighed and sat down in the chair at her desk "Pretty rude if you ask me. So do you have a name ghost? or a reason your in my room because last time i checked no one died in my room anytime recently and no one with horns for sure." she looked at me suspiciously "You dont seem like a ghost to me actually now that i think about it ya look more like a demon from the movies with the red eyes, the horn and the tail." she kept staring back at my horns in some sort of trance. "your lucky you ended up in my house anyone else would have probably shit their pants after seeing you."

I at this point was seriously internally freaking out, I cant contact the underworld from up here unless I am sent back but I cant get sent back unless i pick a place for her soul to go, I scratched my head with irritation. They are gonna think I just picked randomly if I come back this soon and to be honest I just met this human and couldn't possibly know. If i say the wrong thing she might freak out or tell someone, so i guess i will have to just try to judge her soul quickly as i can and hide my true intentions from this human. I actually wouldn't mind being able to talk to this human if I'm honest. following a humans lifespan just watching from the shadows did seem kind of lonely to me. So as long as this human isn't a complete monster then shouldn't be too bad. Plus this should make it easier because I can actually ask this human what she is thinking instead of just guessing based on her actions if she's meant for the fire pits.

For the time being I'm going to have to think of something on the spot since she's asking so many questions and I have a feeling she's not just gonna let me and in the corner and watch without a reason since she can actually see me.

I opened my eyes and sighed "I am not a ghost I lied to you at first my name is Kier and I am here to watch over you I have been sent from the und-" I paused trying to remember the human terms for us, "hell. I am in fact your guardian devil! " I really hope I said that right...

She suddenly burst out laughing "OH my god haha, my what?? Guardian Devil??? That is so backwards ! Ha! kind of fits me actually since I'm so damn weird." She wiped her eyes and sighed and looked down smiling, "Damn I guess I dont get a angel than huh.." she slightly frowned when she said this than put a smile right back on her face "Well glad to meet you Kier!"

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