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December 23rd

Me, Ginny and Hermione decided to go shopping today. I convinced Tom to come with. And by convince I mean I annoyed him till he said yes. Ron and Harry came seeing as they stayed with Hermione. Me and Ginny separated from the golden trio and did our own thing. Tom just followed where ever I went. "What do you think?" Ginny asked holding up a black laced bra and underwear set. Tom was standing a distance away. Thank God. "Ginevra Molly Weasley." I whispered yelled. I took the set from her. "You don't need this. No one you need to impress."

"It's not for me. It's for you. And him." She gestured towards Tom. "No." I said. I gave it to her and told her to put it back. We kept shopping before she got tired so we payed and she went home. I went to the bookstore. "Tom you can go if you don't want to stay." I said. "I'm not leaving you alone." I went around the store looking for some books and decided on four. I payed and we left.

We headed back to the burrow. Hermione and the boys must still be out shopping cause they weren't there when we arrived. 


December 24th

I spent today wrapping gifts. Hermione was helping mum do some cooking and prepping for tomorrow. Ginny was wrapping some presents in her room. I kicked Tom out of the room so I could wrap in peace. I wrapped his gift first so that if he walked in he wouldn't see it. Then I wrapped the rest of the gifts. 

⋅•⋅⊰ Tom's POV ⊱⋅•⋅

"So did you get her a gift?" George asked before throwing me the ball. "Yeah. She told me not to but I did it anyways." I threw it to Fred. "She's gonna accept the gift because she has manners but she is gonna be mad that you didn't listen to her. I mean it is nice since you guys are friends."

Yeah friends. Me, Fred, and George hung out outside until Grace finally finished wrapping presents. "I know you don't need to hear this. But she's my little sister and I'm gonna say it anyways. You hurt her you have to deal with me and Fred." George said. "What are you talking about?"

"I see how you look at my sister." He walked away and I walked into Grace's bedroom. "Tom!" She quickly placed something in her desk drawer and closed it. "Next time a knock would be great."

"Why is that thing you just hid for me?" I walked up to her. "Maybe." I grabbed her waist pulling her closer. "I'll take that as a yes then." I leaned into to kiss her as someone came practically running through the door. "Grace!" Ginny ran in. "Tom. Am I interrupting?"

"Yes." "No." We said at the same time. Ginny looked surprised by my answer. "I'll go see what Fred and George are doing." I kissed Grace's cheek and left. "Ginny." I said walking past her. 

⋅•⋅⊰ Grace's POV ⊱⋅•⋅

Tom walked out and closed the door behind him. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Hermione's cat is what's wrong. She got into Hermione's present and completely destroyed it." I just noticed the bag in her hand. "Let me see it." She pulled the book out of the bag and it had ripped pages. She was right this book was completely destroyed. "It was that book Hermione wouldn't shut up about wanting to read. I got her the special edition." Ginny said. "I'll go out and see if I can another copy for you." I grabbed my coat. "It's the day before Christmas Grace." 

"So? I'll be back." I walked outside and apparated to the bookstore. Thank god it was open. I looked for the book before I finally found it. Last special edition. I looked at the time eight o'clock. I went back to the house to find the boys in the living room with Ginny. The trio coming down. Mum and Dad walked into the living room as well. "Here." I handed Ginny the bag. "It was the last copy." She hugged me. "Thank you." I nodded. "You went out in just that?" Fred asked.

"Grace Weasley. It's snowing out. Your gonna get yourself sick." Mum said. "I'm fine. Don't overreact." I took of my sweater. Maybe I lied when I said coat. But I was just going into a store. And I wasn't in the cold for that long. "That's not the point. It's cold out." I gave her a look. "Can we not do this the day before Christmas?" I asked. "She's already changing Arthur. We should've kept her home."

"No you shouldn't have. Hogwarts hasn't done anything to me." I defended. "Getting Slytherin clearly has." Mum said. "Knew this was gonna come out. What about Slytherin?" I threw my coat over the couch. "You know what. Well who?"

"Really mum? Do you ever think before you talk?" She shot me a glare. "Grace Weasley I-" Dad cut in. "Okay let's not start of fight before Christmas. Dinner's ready." I crossed my arms. "I'm going upstairs. I wasn't really hungry anyways." 

"Grace come on." Fred said. I ran upstairs and slammed my door. I slid down and brought my knees to my face. I knew she was disappointed. But did she have to be so harsh about it. I couldn't help but cry a little. This is why they never sent me. Because they knew I would make the family look bad. 

Grace fucking Weasley. The family fuck-up. The girl who couldn't do the one thing she was supposed to. Get Gryffindor. I hate myself. There was a knock on the door. "Grace it's me." I found comfort in that voice. I stood up took a minute to wipe my face before I opened the door. "Love." He walked in and hugged me. I wanted to break down in his arms. But I didn't want to seem weak at the same time. I just hugged him tight. And return he hugged me tighter. He kissed the top of my head.

"You wanna go eat?" He asked after a few minutes. I shook my head and just took a big deep breath. He didn't say anything after that until I pulled away from the hug. "Feel better?" He wiped my cheek which had a tear on it. "With you around yeah." 


I took a nice long shower to calm myself down. Then I laid down to go to sleep and Tom soon joined me later. I know him, George, and Fred were talking about something but I also didn't want him to miss dinner.

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