NamJin: Hybrid

198 17 16

Ship: Namjin
Genre: Fantasy AU
Warning: Mention of blood
Requested by ritayavi


  Panting echoed in the empty streets, footsteps was the only solid sound heard in the place.

  Dark like nighttime he lives in, he ran past the buildings, probably dragging what cities should never see.

  He ran, leaving crimson spots on the floor with every step, into the world he was supposed to be the enemy of.

  What choice did he have when his own race turned against him?

  He knew he was supposed to be dead by now after the death sentence he got by his supposedly people.

Because of what?

  Because he walked into human world without permission once, then opposed to the idea of killing humans.

  Yes he got his wish, he was allowed not to kill humans but needed to pay the price for that.

  What price could someone like him have except execution? Someone whose place was nowhere didn't deserve life.

  Filthy origins everywhere, he could say he had no stable origins.

  The third arrow tore through his shoulder making him yelp. But he acted fast and pulled it off, allowing his blood to flow out like a waterfall.

  Looks like some children will get horrifying sights on their way to school the next day.

  Seeing his blood flowing and forming crimson lakes didn't matter much to him, he only wanted to survive.

  Turning his head to look behind him, he no longer could see any trace of them which got him relieved.

  Finally he could take a proper breath. The man took a stop for few seconds to catch his breaths, then slowly continued to limp forward while gasping for air and gripping on his injury, trying to stop the bleeding.

  It was hard to walk with an injured leg as well, that made him curse in whispers at the pain which was piercing in his body and never left him have a break.

"Uhh... Are you okay?"

  He could hear the male near him. It was probably one of that world's people.

  However, he decided to ignore the call and keep going on his way until he could that person with the corner of his eyes but limped past him as if nothing happened.

"Are you a vampire?"

  Those words managed to make him stand for few seconds without uttering a single word.

  The person moved and the man immediately kept walking, not being able to trust that human.

  Talking about that human, he suddenly found him in front him standing still, on his way.

"Take me with you." He said, looking at him with wide excited eyes.

"Why are humans so annoying?" Whispered the injured man.

  The boy in front of him was visibly able to recognise differences in his features comparing to human feature.

  Although vampires really looked like humans, there was some features which looked everything but similar.

"Don't compare me to those filthy creatures." The guy talked, his voice filled with hatred and serious expression taking over his face.

Wow looks like he found someone like him, if only they could exchange bodies.

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