Stay With Me

229 13 36

Ship: Seokjin X original female character

Genre: Dark / romance

Warning: Sensitive topics, graphic violence, depression and mention of suicide

Requested by Seokjin792


  True love is something everyone dreams to find someday, fake love is something everyone wishes to disappear.

  Luckily for Daeun, she found her true love without facing any troubles, it rather went smooth like butter.

  She was on her second year in college when she saw the handsome boy she fell in love with at first sight, she put on some efforts to at least get to know him.

  Kim Seokjin, one of the best students in Konkuk University at the time. He looked so handsome, Daeun couldn't believe such handsome boys existed in real life.

  Daeun smartly got to know him well, without showing any sign of crazy love unlike the war that was happening inside of her. That only made her fall in love with him even more, his smile, his way of thinking, his perspectives, his humility, his shy and nice behaviour towards everyone.

  It was quite surprising that the girl didn't notice the loving eyes Seokjin had while looking at her everytime they talked. They managed to get close to each other, to be friends, while none of them held normal friendship feelings towards each other.

  The biggest and best surprise of her life was the day he proposed to her, two years after their college graduation, she believed it was a prank at first but it turned out real and Seokjin had already planned everything.

  Daeun could consider herself very lucky because yes... mutual first love is very rare, but not impossible.

You know what is impossible?

The "happily ever after" endings...


  It's been five years since Seokjin and Daeun's marriage, life was beautiful, both of them got a stable job and a beautiful house they lived in.

  Their feelings towards each other stayed the same, their relationship was precious and made everyone around them jealous.

  Their relationship was so beautiful, so much that Daeun lost nearly all of her friends, same went for Seokjin, basically not being able to get over the fact their friend was having a so-called perfect life.

  Little did they know absolutely nothing is perfect.

  Going back to the present time, Daeun was very worried and concerned. She was noticing that her husband had changed a lot lately, he wasn't the same man she fell in love with five years ago.

  It all started off by him coming home late in the night everyday, and when she asked him what happened he only pulled his beautiful smile and said that he had a lot of work.

  But things didn't stop there, few days later he wouldn't even smile at her nor talk to her. Coming home, walking slowly and unsteadily, eating only half of his dinner then immediately go to bed, without uttering a single word.

  A little bit more time and he stopped eating as well, and came home without even looking at her, and when she goes to sleep, he's already there sleeping on their bed. In the morning he's not there.

  Daeun was feeling so lonely, the man she loved wasn't there for her anymore. He wasn't the man she loved anymore.

  The weirdest fact was that even in Sundays he would go out and come home very late.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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