Chapter 6

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Gaia POV

Leaving the restroom, my heart was beating rapidly.

Kamden made me feel alive. The kisses we shared were filled with so much passion and want.

I could tell she wanted me as much as I wanted her but we were interrupted by an older woman who needed to use the restroom. I was upset but I knew that could have went way further.

I was currently dropping my best friend Giulia off.

"You did what in the bathroom" she said surprised loving every minute of our conversation

"I had a very intense make out session with the gorgeous girl in the black two piece skirt set"

"Who are you!!!!" She said giggling "Reminds me of college, you were a wild one before you met Riccardo"

"Let's not even speak of him, every time I hear his name it's like claws on a chalk board"

"Gaia did you ever love him"

I thought it over but in all honesty I didn't need to. "There were things I loved about him at the time......I thought I could grow to love him"


"Do you need help with your luggage?"

"No but thank you for asking" I said continuing to struggle. I had three suitcases, a backpack, and a purse.

Trying to maneuver around the curb with all of my stuff, I lost my balance and started to fall. That was until someone's hands grabbed my waist and stopped me from falling.

"You sure you don't need some help?" he said still holding my waist.

For the first time, I actually looked up at him. He was very handsome and well put together. Right away you could tell he came from money. Not that money impressed me, it was just very evident.

"I guess I do need some assistance" I said squirming out of his grasp.

"Which hall are you in?"

"I'm in Nicols Hall"

"So your an upper classman as well, why have I never seen you before"

I could only chuckle. How the fuck was I supposed to know. "Ummmm I guess I keep to myself" I said unsure of what to tell him.

After a twenty minute walk. We finally made it to my hall.

"What floor are you on"

"I'm on the third"

"How about you give me your backpack and I'll take that up as well with your three luggages."

"That's a lot to carry"

"I know but I'm trying to impress you so when I ask you on a date later you have no reason to say no"

With a nod I gave him my backpack and ran up the stairs to open my dorm door so I could prop it open for him.

He brought the luggages up without breaking a sweat.

"My name is Riccardo. What is yours?"

"My name is Gaia"

"Gaia would you be interested in grabbing dinner with me Saturday night at Sushi Fushion at 7pm"

Any other girl would have looked right at him and said yes but I didn't care to go on a date with him.

I pretended to think it over and simply said "no Thankyou"

Even though he was kind enough to help me with luggages, I didn't owe him anything. Especially not my time.

He looked hurt but immediately replied "Gaia I won't give up. I need to know you"

I looked at him confused. But he just smiled his charming smile and left my dorm.

That was how I met Richard.

*End of flashback*

"I liked Riccardo because he worked hard to please me. Once he had me, he no longer felt the need to please me."

"Oh Gaia, I wish your parents never pressured you into marrying him"

"I was trying to make them proud. And I ended up only hurting myself in the end"

"You know I am always here for you right"

"Yes I know that. You are the one person in this world who has been there for me through the good and the bad"

"Ok good!....You can just drop me off here. Oscar is fixing the front of the house so I have to go through the back."

"Ok Imma watch you go inside"

As Giulia was exiting the vehicle, my phone started to ring.

I picked up the phone and saw a +1 number. It was a USA number.

"Hello" I said answering the phone. I didn't hear anything "Hello.....Kamden is this you?"

"Oh wow I didn't mean to call you. I must have accidentally butt dialed you" From her voice I could tell she had a bit too much to drink.

"Where are you Kamden? Are you by yourself?"

"I am walking home and yes yes I am"

"Kamden I know that we don't know each other well but I don't feel comfortable with you walking alone while drunk"

"That is very understandable" she said giggling

"What is your exact location"

"I am not far from the restaurant, I'm by the supermarket"

"I know where you are, stay right there"


I don't know why but I felt the need to protect her with every piece of my being. Something in me just wanted to guarantee her safety. Just like at the movie theaters.

It took no time getting to her. I could see her leaning against a wall by the market on her phone.

I rolled down my window "Get in" I said before rolling it back up.

She looked me right into my eyes and I got butterflies.

"Hello again" she said getting into the car.

"Hello..." her smile was so adorable, I was going to say something else but having her near again was overwhelming.

"I'm happy you came and got me, I couldn't stop thinking about you tonight" she said licking her lips.

"The feeling is mutual" I said staring at her beautiful kissable lips.

I must have been staring for to long because suddenly she asked "do you want to kiss me again"

"In all honesty that's all I want but I don't want to take advantage ......" Before I knew it, her lips came crashing into mine.

The sensation I felt kissing her was insane. My hands had a mind of their own. They started to roam her body again. I intentionally massaged her breast wanting to hear her moan for me again. Her moaning just turned me on to the max.

When she started to moan I took the opportunity to lick and kiss her neck.

Between breaths she said "I don't want to go home"

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