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Masses of people wearing white screamed as they were burnt to death. The fire was raging in various directions, catching anyone in its path. The fire spread across the entire field of land in seconds as if a dragon itself had ignited it. A young woman wearing an off shoulder white top and long white flowing skirt, was a distance away from the fire. She was barefoot as the smoke and wind blew through her long hair. The great flames reflected through her wide, blue eyes as she watched everyone burn...

Blue eyes fluttered open as the woman smelled the familiar scent of the asylum. She felt cold due the temperature in the building. She kept hearing the faint shouts and screams of patients and murmurs of doctors. She sat up slowly in her cell and leaned against the tiled wall. Another day in the crazy house.

She rubbed her eyes and ran her fingers through her long blond hair to wake herself up.Her white top slanted off one of her shoulders and her white sweatpants were snug around her legs. She waited. She knew the routine. After waking up in the morning, a nurse would come in to dose her up with medicine, spend more time in her cell, then be let out to do get some fresh air or have social gatherings with other inmates, then back into the cell all alone, eat, then sleep. And then repeat the next day.

She was lucky she wasn't put into a straight jacket or had to go through any psychological treatment. Of course she knew why and the employees knew why...

"Good morning,Ember. Ready for your medicine?" a nurse came in.

Ember sighed.

"How long is this going to go? You know damn well I don't need that or be in this place." she said, making the nurse frown and a little nervous.

"I'm just doing my job, Ember" the nurse said softly.

Stella, the nurse.She was nice and knew like the rest of the staff, that she wasn't meant to be here, but didn't ask questions if they knew what was good for them. They were threatened. Losing their job? Maybe something worse than that?

Ember sighed and complied.

Stella wrapped the tourniquet around Ember's arm and injected the needle. The substance entered her blood system and now she waited for the effects to kick in. This place wanted her weak, delirious so she blended in with the other patients and had no chance of escaping. At first, they started with pills. She refused and they forced them down her throat. After that, she cooperated and pretended to take the pills willingly but hid the pills under her tongue. She would spit them out when they left, but this trick only lasted for a while. Ever since then, they replaced the pills with a shot.

She started to feel light weight and couldn't think straight. She grew tired and went to go back to bed but Stella stopped her.

"Oh no, no, no,Ember. I think you can use some fresh air, what do you think?"Stella helped steady Ember.

Ember was lead out of her cell with Stella's assistance. They reached outside in the courtyard where there were a few inmates wandering around. Ember turned her head, eyes heavy and saw Leslie. She met Leslie last week and can say she felt alright being around him. Leslie was shy around her but grew comfortable around her.

~The Beauty Within~{The Evil Within}Where stories live. Discover now