~Ch. 3 An Emergency Call~

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 "All units, all units: 11-99, expedite cover code 3. Beacon Mental Hospital."

"184 copy; code 3. ETA 3 minutes."

"Copy 184."

A police car was driving through the city, while raining. The sirens blared and were lit as the car made turn at a corner of the street. Four people resided in the car: A detective wearing a trench coat, a younger Asian man wearing gloves, a vest, and glasses, a younger woman with a simple white shirt, jeans, and high heels, and the driver that reported back to dispatch was in a police uniform.

"Sorry, detectives. I know you're comin' off a case but I'm afraid we're gonna have to make a detour." The man in the uniform said.

"Sounds serious. Is it a riot?" The man with glasses asked curiously.

"Call went out just before I picked you up. Said it was 'multiple homicides.' Half a dozen units already on- scene--"

"131, please advise" the radio cut him off.

"Maybe it's the ghost of that doctor who went schizo and chopped up all those patients." The uniformed man continued.

"That's not what happened. Some patients disappeared. Some kind of scandal?"

"Still, gives ya the creeps, doesn't it?"

The woman kept quiet but still listened as she was in her thoughts.

"127, 124, please respond" the radio said.

"Joseph, you think there's a connection?" the man in the trench coat asked as he turned in his seat to look at him.

"It's a possibility. I believe the records were sealed." Joseph said.

"Anyone on-scene, respond" the radio sounded.

The trench coat man picked up the receiver as the uniform man glanced at him.

"Dispatch, this is Detective Castellanos in 184, what's the situation, over?"

"184 Be advised, some problem... at Beacon Memorial... radio." the line on the radio was breaking connection as Joseph and the woman looked curiously.

"Is there any-" the sound waves from the speaker made a sharp intense pitch, making everyone flinch.

"God dammit!" "Jesus!" The detective cursed and the uniformed man lost control of his steering for a second. And Joseph clenched the side of his head.

Once the pitch eased down, their surroundings pulsed. Joseph took off his glasses and rubbed his temple area, as they could see the beacon shining up ahead. They were close to the hospital.

"Junior Detective Kidman, any thoughts?" Castellanos asked eyeing her in the rear view mirror.

"Nothing yet. I'm sure we'll know everything once we get there" Kidman said looking out the window in deep thought.

The car reached Beacon Memorial Hospital. Several cars were parked outside and inside the gates. The car stopped outside the gates as everyone got out in the rain. Something was indeed wrong.

"What do you make of it?" Joseph asked as they all looked analyzing the situation.

"Connelly, contact Dispatch and let them know what's happening." Castellanos looked at the uniformed man, "Joseph, Kidman, you're with me. We're going to have a look around."

"Right" Kidman answered as she followed the two men through the gates.

Connelly looked worried but got back in his car to tell Dispatch the situation. The three detectives walked around the cul-de- sac to reach the doors of the hospital. Some cop cars lights were still lit, doors were left open, police barriers were surrounding the cars and the entrance to the hospital, there was even an ambulance on site.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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