Character information: Vivi

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Personal details

Name: Vivi

Aliases: Vi, Red Burny Girl

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Friendly, kindhearted, brave

Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance: See picture above (Art by Ramunade)

Combat details

Element: Fire

Weapon: Astral Divide

Description: A crimson-bladed scythe. It has never left Vivi's side for the past 5 years, and will continue to serve her until the day she falls. Its blade is wreathed in flames, burning any enemy it touches.

Active skill: Astral Flare

Description: After a short windup, Vivi unleashes a wide slash with her scythe, burning her opponents.

Super ability: Hellfire Haven

Description: Vivi calls upon the heroic spirit of fire, greatly enhancing her abilities and resistance to enemy attacks for a short time, while also surrounding herself with a fiery shield. In this state, Astral Flare creates a fiery tornado that pulls in and continuously burns enemies. The shield absorbs any attacks directed at Vivi, and breaks when it sustains enough damage.

Miscellaneous info

Likes: Alpha, Blanche, Bella

Dislikes: Corruption, Shadow Monsters

Theme song: Devil Trigger

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