Who am I?

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~In the morning~

The Haitani brothers' mother and Y/n went to the police station to see if anyone knows something about Y/n.

Police officer: "Yes we do know where she came from"

Mom: "Where?" She asked

Officer: "She came from *random address*, her adoptive parents reported her missing a while ago."

Mom: "Well what should we do?"

Officer: "Well they aren't going to be her legal guardians anymore so we should get her back to the orphinage"

Mom: "Well can I adopt her?"

Officer: "You will have to talk about that with the orphinage"

~Honestly idk what to put here so now she's adopted by their mom.~

Ran pov

Rindou: "So let me get this straight, we just meet her last night and now she's our sister? " He sounds worried looks like he doesn't trust her.

Mom: "Yes, to be honest I don't want to be the only girl here and your father didn't mind so try to be nice to her"

Rindou: "Sure."

When they got back to the Haitani's home Y/N could see a tall man in their living room watching tv.

~to the one person that read this months ago and asked to to write more i am sincerily sorry i knew i should have wrote but i am really lazy and i just didn't so i hope you're not too mad but don't be suprised it i do this again but I'll try to upload chapters more offten so thank you for reading this if you are. Also sorry for the short chapter this was in the drafts so now after months of not looking at how i started this i cringed also don't expect my writing style to be the same since i cringe at the way I wrote back then~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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