The man on the bench

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On my way to the bus stop on the bench, I saw the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He had crème white skin, black hair as black as the night sky, and eyes as blue as the crystal sea. As if sensing my gaze, he looked up from his phone, and his eyes locked with mine, and I had the strangest feeling I've ever had. While waiting for the bus, I received a message from Cyra, my bestie, informing me that we had a biology pop quiz today. I looked up from my phone to see if the bus had arrived and saw that it had. I was typing a message to Cyra saying that I had studied for the pop quiz, but unfortunately, with the bad luck I had, this embarrassing moment was meant to happen. I tripped on a rock and fell in the most embarrassing way possible. I looked up to find the man on the bench staring straight into my eyes and saw his lips twisting into a smirk as if he found it funny. I felt a blush rising from my neck to my cheeks. I got up as fast as I could and ran into the bus, where I, unfortunately, found a seat facing the bus stop, and I saw the man staring at me with amusement in his eyes.

To be continued....

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