Chapter 1

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Mr Plant POV ( Point Of View )

"Thank you for taking care of the flowers, they are really sweet, if you could water them, play their audio book and prune them that would be amazing"
"I'll be back before their parents get here"
Mr Plant despised children, they were loud and annoying, but watering them shouldn't be that hard.
... Mr Plant put on the audio book and took care of them a while. He supposed children are not so bad, as long as they were quiet.
Mr Plant touched his petal, he could feel pain and rage flaring up as he looked at the pink flower, on second thought, these brats needed to be taught a lesson. But he supposed he couldn't kill them, after all, he promised Argos he would take care of them, not the opposite. That didn't mean he will sit and do nothing while the brat gets unpunished.
He figured as they are children, they wouldn't do well without light, so Mr Plant put them all inside the closet and shut the door tight, they wouldn't have the energy to do anything anyways, and he wouldn't be able to hear their pathetic cries from the living room. He will let them out before Argos shows up.
Young flowers get very weak when there's no light present, and if one of them died, then it wasn't his problem.
He decided to watch television while he waited, his petal sent shocks of pain every once in a while, but it can't be helped, it will grow back in a few hours anyways.

**time skip brought to you by Mr. Plant watching the telly**

2 hours passed, and now he could hear steps nearing the door, so Mr. Plant got up and shut the television, walking to the closet to get the flowers.
Unfortunately, or fortunately for Argos, none of the flowers died, they were deadly quiet however, the lack of light even for such a small amount of time can do this to young flowers, Mr. Plant didn't mind, afterall he liked them more quiet.
He sat next to the flowers as keys were fiddling in the door, if Argos asked, they were just tired as far as he knew.
"Im back! And i brought food, i didnt take too long right?"
Mr. Plant shook his head, barely flinching as pain shot through him again.
Oh how he wished to have chopped all of their heads off one by one..
"Why are they so quiet? They normally laugh or chatter between them, did something happen?"
Mr. Plant shrugged, knowing very well what happened.
Argos studied him, and his eyes landed on his ripped petal
"Mr. Plant what happened to your petal?" Argos tried touching it but Mr. Plant got back further not wanting any phisical contact, especially not in that area, instead, he looked at the pink flower, now asleep.
"The flower? I'm so sorry Mr. Plant, they are normally very sweet, but i will talk to their parents about this, but first could i help you with that? I might have something for it somewhere"
Mr. Plant contemplated letting Argos help him, but the pain spoke for him, so he nodded his head, not really minding the idea of Argos being so close suddenly.
Mr. Plant still despised children, but at least he had Argos helping him out, and he finds thats all he needs.


So this was a sort of practice chapter, you can see its close to the original, but it was just for practice, i could do longer better ones as i go, but feel free to request anything at any given time, i do almost anything <3
⚠️requests only on the intro chapter ⚠️

Argos x Mr Plant [probably cancelled for now]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora