Chapter 3 part 1

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Requested by K1ng_Nyx
Here's Mr. Plant and Argos trying to cook something + continuation of the last chapter
Im having a hard time deciding to put it in Argos' POV or 3rd POV ;-;


Argos slowly woke up, when he realized there was something different, he was being held by something, someone and he couldn't move. Argos tried looking up and saw the face of Mr. Plant, he was asleep, unknowingly wrapping his arms around Argos tightly.
Now Argos, seeing the situation he was in turned a deep shade of red, just the thought of being this close to Mr. Plant was just bound to make him pass out.
Argos wondered how he got here in the first place, he doesn't think Mr. Plant randomly offered to make him sleep in his void, let alone in his bed
And despite the situation he was in, Argos thought, and suddenly all of the things that happened yesterday came flooding back.. 'oh.. oh my stars, the present.. what have i done'
He barely remembered what happened after that, Mr. Plant finding him and carrying him back all seemed like a distant memory now. But Argos was still shaken a bit, being held like this made it slightly better, but then Mr. Plant shifted, and Argos realized he woke up while he was in deep thought. "G-good morning M-Mr. Plant"
Argos didn't know how else to react, he basically slept with him, and just the reminder of that made Argos turn a newer shade of red.
And Mr. Plant didn't seem to be having any of this, you see, Mr. Plant isn't a morning person per se, so all he did was shake his head, and being Argos back down with him, embracing him more tightly, as if saying to go back to sleep.
Now Argos couldn't argue with that, even if he could, which he isn't, he was basically unable to get off, but he couldn't miss this chance, so he buried his head further in Mr. Plant's chest, closing his eyes, even though he knew he would not be able to sleep as his heart beat so loudly it would wake anybody that got even remotely close to him, he stayed.

~~ skip in the not morning time, we don't like mornings :') ~~

Mr. Plant woke up first this time, surprizingly, or not, Argos fell asleep after a few minutes of Mr. Plant pulling him down, now Mr. Plant has to wake up and make breakfast, it doesn't matter if it's not morning, it's nutritious either way, so he let Argos go, got up and went to cook something, maybe an orange, Mr. Plant liked oranges, so he did just that.
Feeling as Argos was kind of a guest, Mr. Plant made one for him too.
A few minutes later he finished, so he went back to where Argos was, and shook him slowly to wake him up.
Argos shifted so Mr. Plant stopped shaking him, waiting for him to wake up, today was Sunday, so he thinks there's no need to hurry anything as he has nothing on his calendar, not that he would hurry if there was something on it anyways.
As Argos woke up and looked around feeling disoriented for a moment until his eyes landed on Mr. Plant, he as before turned red again remembering what happened before Mr. Plant went to get breakfast, and he was embarrassed "H-hello Mr. Plant.."
Mr. Plant nodded, and gestured behind him, as to saying to come with him. Argos understood and shakingly got up and followed him.
"O-oh you made this for me? T-thank you, you shouldn't have it was enough you let me sleep here-"
Mr. Plant didn't let him finish, as he handed him breakfast
Argos took it without further complaints this time, but instead he asked "Mr. Plant? As you cooked this for me, maybe i could help you cook something for dinner this time?"
Mr. Plant shrugged, he didnt really cook many things, he liked oranges the most so he settled with those most of the time.
"You like oranges right? Maybe i could help you make a pie"
Mr. Plant didn't hate the idea, so he nodded, a pie sounds nice, and he didn't learn how to make those yet, so it should be interesting.
"Alright sounds good, though i think i should get back to my void now, i dont wanna bother you too much.."
Argos went to get up but Mr. Plant stopped him, pointing at his calendar, then at the tv.
"You.. You want me to stay watch tv with you.?"
Mr. Plant nodded
"O-oh alright- alright i'll happily stay with you Mr. Plant"

Argos and Mr. Plant sat on the couch to watch tv, Mr. Plant liked dark comedies, Argos wasn't much into them, but he didn't mind as long as Mr. Plant was happy. Argos couldn't help but think of the warm embrace of Mr. Plant this morning, and he wondered if he should put his luck to play one last time..
So he moved closer to Mr. Plant, and continued till he was almost touching him, Mr. Plant didn't seem to notice this, as he was still looking at the tv.
Argos took a deep breath, and leaned against Mr. Plant, Mr. Plant jumped a bit, but didn't seem to mind too much as he put an arm around Argos to sit more comfortably, not once his eyes leaving the tv.
Argos was ecstatic, he may have gone based on luck but he just thought Mr. Plant would push him away or something, not put an arm around him, that was the last thing he would have expected!
He couldn't explain it but everytime he touched Mr. Plant he could feel this overwhelming feeling, and it always made him blush, he was glad Mr. Plant couldn't see his face from this angle, he hoped so anyways..
They watched tv for a while until it was almost dinner time, they actually settled onto a movie at some point, it was some kind of crappy horror movie, that didnt stop Argos from burrying his head further in Mr. Plant's side though.
"Mr. Plant? It's almost dinner time, should we get started?"
Mr. Plant nodded, and went up to shut the tv.....

Sorry guys my motivation is kinda down because something happened so im going to divide this chapter into 2 parts
Feel free to give more requests/ideas if you want, and dont worry, part 2 will come soon too
Sorry but hope you liked this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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