chapter 23

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While at the hospital as a doctor was taken care of ray shoulder another came in to the room and give some bad news he knows he has h.v.i and lucky to be alive for this long but the blood tests told them that ray has only a year to 5 months left to live they say they are sorry but what does sorry do sorry does nothing for anyone it's too late for sorry he doesn't cry or show any tears what so ever just Walks out of the hospital with a smile and having to tell  someone this heartbreaking news ray and lincoln taken a little Walk through the park angelina was playing with the kids and Robert was at home couldn't do it couldn't be there .

So why are we walking in the park i remember mama use to do the same thing when ever had bad news about someone wait...wait.... Wait.... what going on ?

I'm sorry to say this but it looks like we are running out of time they told me that i don't have much longer and the fact is i believe they are right i have lived longer than anyone else i have known who has or had h.i.v i got the chance to meet someone again and together we have a son and who would have thought you and me would ever be where we are today this has been a good few years for someone who is in my shoes.

What about the pills They helped once can help again if not can get something stronger than those pills doctors don't know every damn thing there is a chance that they could be wrong out in the world there is a doctor who is working on something that could save your life and many more life's but you can't give up what about Woody that little boy loves you as a mother then what after your gone what will happen to him .

He has you and angelina let's face it after I'm gone robert isn't far behind me lincoln you have a great wife and a beautiful daughter your the perfect family man if i trust anyone to rise Woody that is you because you are my brother.

As the snow started to came down lincoln wished whispered softly to himself (i wish for my brother to live please god don't take him yet) that day he prayed hasn't prayed in a very long time since the death of his mother angelica didn't know what to do to help him and little Sasha sit by her daddy and said these words.

Daddy don't cry can i tell you something daddy sometimes it's ok to be scared because that is how you know your human daddy this is part of God plan maybe it's wasn't those pills keeping him alive it was god because he wanted y'all to have a better relationship to have some good year's before calling uncle ray home should not cry or be upset daddy .

He turned around to see his wife standing there with tears in her eyes he felt like he is to blame for not doing enough maybe back before all of this when he was a different man who could get things this wouldn't be happening right now he hits the wall unit his hand bleed without feeling any of his fingers she knew how close They are and how it's killing him to not be able to help can't stop this from happening to his baby brother .

I would sale my soul to the devil himself if that makes a difference if that means there was a chance for him to grew old and white headed first Mama goes god rest her soul we are the only good that is left from our family 15 year's we were apart can't get those years back tried but the fact is that i have to accept is little brother is leaving for the promise Land .

Angelina just sit there by him that night was the first time she ever seen her husband cry as he sit there lincoln remember back to his childhood when ray asked his brother will he alw be there for him through the good the bad and the worst angelina heard him whispered softly ( i promise to always be there no matter what i promise little brother) They have been through the bad together they were living in the good and now the hardest time of their lives the worst of time's there was a knock on the front door it was Linda she was talking about how they threw a dead snake on her and she has came because wanting someone to say sorry lincoln just stood there about to say I'm sorry when ray stood in front of him .

I'll handle this if you don't mind Linda we are sorry about that dead snake it was my idea and so is this .

This time it wasn't a dead snake but a live rat and boy she can scream like a crazy person .

I'm not Dead yet so stop feeling sorry for yourself and have a drink with the most beautiful drag queen you will ever know and meet .

I can't I'm sorry .

he walked into the living room and came back with several bottles and cans of whiskey and other things to drink and as they had a drink or two he yelled out as they raised their glass's.

This is to the most beautiful drag queen we will ever know and meet .

You can go year's without talking to someone you love and would give anything to see again to have one more chance to talk to laugh and to tell them you love them lincoln and ray was apart for 15 year's and when the brothers gotten back together they were stronger than before and nothing could break what they had.

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