Podcasts and Post Malone

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Matt's POV

"So Matt, We heard about you and Eugene's 3 year anniversary of y'all being public, How is it?" Ariel said, smiling at the toddler that was walking over to where Becky was sitting. I smile, happy that they remembered. 

"Yes, that is today. I'm really happy, Because now I can hug him on-camera without It being edited out. I'm really happy I'm able to show PDA and not  have to get YB or Will to edit it out. " I say, petting kimbop, who's laying in my lap. Maggie takes her phone out, and I see a text from her significant other, Zach. Eugene and I usually don't text too often when we're away from each other. I smile at her goofy expression. Ariel grabs Finn and sits him on her lap, and he starts blowing spit bubbles. I've always liked kids, Unlike Eugene, who has a famous quote of : "I prefer dogs over babies." He seems to look straight at me, and I wish that Eugene and I could have kids genetically. 

I think our kids would be so cute. I've seen so many comments of 15-year old girls shaming me for dating him because they like him, mostly telling me to die. I've spent many nights crying because of those comments. Eugene is like a brick wall though, he never seems bothered by the hate. I smile though, and Finn jumps up out of Ariel's lap and crawls to me, saying "Up!". I sit him in my lap, and he leans his head back onto my chest, cooing. Ariel looks at me, commenting, " You're really good with him." I nod. " I have a sister that's 14 years younger than me, so I had a baby sister at a young age." I say. they ask me questions, until our new employee Olivia enters, commenting,

 "Matt, I thought you were Post Malone!" We all disagree. Then this girl has the nerve to stand right in front of me, ass in my face as she talks to Mags. I look at my phone, pissed she's standing right in front of me like this, until she BENDS down right in front of me. I look at Mags with a look of disgust; Certainly this girl knows I'm dating Eugene. I don't say anything though. Ariel and Becky are both glaring at this putanna in disgust, as she is about to SIT IN MY LAP I push her off me, she hits the floor and starts turning red. I exit the room, muttering apologies to Miles, Becky, Mags, Ariel and Raine. I head to The Guy's room, And see them talking. I don't even care, I sit next to Eugene and give him a side hug, my rage is visible on my face. 

"Matthew, What the hell is wrong? Do I need to fight someone?" Eugene says, the rest of the guys look at me. They've never seen me this mad except at a bar if a girl gets too close to any of us. I explain what happened, and He's not even mad at anyone except her. "Where is This Olivia bitch?" He says, he's red as hell, and honestly, I'd be terrified if he was looking for me. 

"She ran out. Bitch was embarrassed." Mags says. I've never heard her cuss, and she looks and sounds venomous. Zach looks surprised.  "Matt dropped her ass like a hot coal." Sam says. I fist bump him. "Sam, If she comes back, let her know she's fired." Eugene says, Zach, Keith, and Ned  nod, agreeing.

Watch me fly (Eugene Lee Yang x Matt McLean)Where stories live. Discover now