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(Eugene POV)

We're all supposed to vlog today, I don't like vlogging. Or self-promoting. Both just piss me off, I don't know why.  Something about telling people to buy merchandise and having to copy and paste links to the website seems weird. Today we're taking care of Finn.  Keith got Wes, Ned got Poppy, and Zach got June. Rachel and Ned both have 2 kids, so we did a switch where we and our partners have to take good care of the kids.Matt was really excited, and I love Finn so I'm not as regretting as I usually would be. I'm looking forward to it. Finn is really fun to baby sit, All ne ever wants to do is sit on your lap and babble. We're gonna take care of him for a full weekend. We drive to the office, and I'm surprised by June's happy, bubbly personality. She squeals, "It's Uncle Genie and Matt!"

 I smile. I absolutely adore June. She's just so sweet. Matt picks her up, her weight doesn't seem to be more than a feather to him. He pushes her hair away from her face, and she hugs him. They've always adored each other. Justin enters the room, side hugging Matt and grabbing his daughter. "C'mere, guys. Rachel , Ned and Ariel have the kids and their belongings almost sorted out." We nod, following him to the back room. 

Ariel and Ned have 2 tiny suitcases and a baby bag. They hand us a Suitcase and the baby bag, explaining what is for which time of day in the baby bag. I already know this, but Matt listens intently, adding notes into his phone. He's extremely cautious about this. I grab the bags and take them to the car, waiting for the rest of the guys to arrive so we can start filming ourselves leaving and stuff. Rachel hands me a party cam and I film Zach arriving with Maggie. She gives me a fist bump, and Zach tries to hug me, but I turn so It's a side hug. "Nice try, buster," I say. He chuckles. 

Soon enough, Ariel and Ned are giving Finn hugs and Kisses,  We take him out to the car. We strap him in the backseat, waving to Ariel and Ned as we drive off.

Watch me fly (Eugene Lee Yang x Matt McLean)Where stories live. Discover now