Chapter 3

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I literally have 3 Dios crawling around my screen as I write this.


You, Zelda, Link, Impa, and Daena all departed from Hyrule Castle. Link stayed close to the princess, which creeped her out. You reassured your younger sister that it will be alright.

"Zelda, I've heard great things about this knight. He's only doing his job like Father asked him to." You placed a hand on her shoulder. Impa agreed, "Yes, Princess, this knight could easily take down the Stalnox we have placed in the dungeon. Your father said there was a report of him slaying a Lynel as well. I assure you that he is quite strong."

"That is not what worries me, Impa. It's his silence. He never speaks a word. And he looks so serious. He never argues, he always does things without hesitation." Zelda sighed. "It's just a little creepy, is all."

Daena silently butted into the conversation, "Sorry to interrupt, your highnesses, but you do know that Link can hear you right? He's standing right behind you."

Zelda jumped and turned to face the stoic knight. "I apologize, Link. that was very rude and inconsiderate of me to speak of you that way." Link nodded his head and ever so softly smiled, accepting the princess' apologies. 

"Ha! Did you see that, Zelda? A smile! Your little knight just smiled at you! Oh how sweet!" You teased your sister who in return blushed. "Be quiet, sister." She mumbled. You giggled, "Yes ma'am."

The five you continued your journey in silence. 

After a while, you reached the Temple of Time. It wasn't until now that you realized that you didn't know why you were here. "Um, Zelda?" Zelda turned to face you, "Yes?"

"Why are we here? You never told me."

"Oh! Yes. that Link is my appointed knight, Father asked us to take him here to see if he is the legendary hero."

"Ooohh. Of course, yeah that makes sense." You investigated Link staring him down almost. You circled him looking closely at his physical appearance. "Yes, he does match the description in the books..." you mumbled. Link looked visibly uncomfortable. You noticed this and stepped back.

You read a lot, especially about the history of Hyrule. Thanks to your reading, and the constant visitations with the royal historians, researchers, and scientists, you played a great part in helping piece together Hyrule's very complicated history.

"Link," you stood with an expression you rarely wore, seriousness. "Have you felt like you were strong? Like, inhuman levels?" Link thought for a moment and nodded. "Was there ever a glowing mark on your hand? Similar to that of the Triforce?" Link tilted his head in confusion, not quite understanding. "Zelda, could you demonstrate this for Link, please?" Your sister nodded and held up her left hand. The back of it glowed gold and the Triforce appeared. "Something like this, Link."

Link's mouth opened in surprise. It seems this has never appeared. You hummed. "Lift up your hand the same way Zelda did." Link lifted his left hand, lo and behold. there was the Triforce. "See, Zelda, all you had to do was see if he had the Triforce, it's as simple as that," you smirked. 

"Oh, well..." Zelda looked away from embarrassment. How could she, the reincarnate of the goddess Hylia and holder of the Triforce of Wisdom, be so stupid? You chuckled and patted her back, "It's alright, sis, you didn't think about that did you? It's ok. That's why I'm here."

"Yes, anyways." Zelda straightened up, "Now that we're here, and now that we know for a fact that Link is the legendary hero, let us see if he is ready to wield the legendary Master Sword." Zelda led you all to the back of the sacred temple. You reached a pair of grand doors which two guards guarded. Upon seeing you and Zelda, they knelt. "Princesses, how may we be of service?" The left guard asked. "Open these doors and let us through." Zelda kindly ordered.

The guards nodded and opened the giant doors for your party to enter. Once you all were inside, the doors shut with a band. Daena and Link jumped. "It's alright you two," you smiled. "The guards always shut the doors when we enter, just so we can be sure that no one will attempt to sneak in behind us. I remember when it was Zelda's first time in here." You grinned. "She screamed like a baby!"

"I was a child, (Y/N)!" Zelda argued. 

"Princess (Y/N), you were no different." Impa smiled. "You did the same your first time." You crossed your arms, "Shut up, Impa."

Link softly smiled at your antics. "Link," Zelda finally interrupted. "go up to the pedestal there and pull the master sword."

Link nodded with a grunt. You all stood back as Link climbed the stairs that led to the sword. Once Link reached it, he sighed. He cracked his knuckles and relaxed himself. He gripped the sword and placed both feet firmly on the ground. After a moment of silence, Link started to pull the sword from the stone. Slowly, but surely, the sword started moving out of the pedestal. You all stood and watched with anticipation. Soon, the sword almost shot out of the pedestal. Link staggered back. He soon realized what happened and triumphantly held the sword to the sky. 

Zelda smiled and clapped, while you crossed your arms and smiled. Link looked down at you all with a rare smile. He walked back down the steps to you. He then tried sheathing the sword, but he almost dropped it not realizing he didn't have a sheath with him. You smiled, "one moment." You walked behind the pedestal where an old sage was.

You might be asking yourselves, "Why didn't he come out?", well, dear readers, he is an old man, who can barely walk with his cane. But from his spot, he watched Link pull the Master Sword. You helped him around so he could reach Link.

Once to the party, the old man dropped to his knees. "Hero, on behalf of the kingdom of Hyrule, please accept this sheath, so you can keep the Master Sword close by your side." He held up the sheath, which Link slowly took. He smiled and nodded at the old man as he attached it to his belts. Link sheathed the sword and nodded. The old man smiled and looked at you, "Dear princess, please take me home." You nodded, "Yes sir." You and the rest of the party took the sage through a door.

Inside was the sage room. This was where the guardians of the Master Sword were laid to rest after the hero pulled the sword.

"Thank you, sage, for giving us your life and guarding this sacred relic." You put your hands together in a prayer position and bowed your head. Zelda did the same. Impa and Daena knelt behind you. Link, not knowing what to do, followed Impa and Daena. 

The old sage smiled and nodded at you all. He walked to the center of the room. Soon, he started to turn to dust, and this dust floated away. (Similar to the monks in the shrines.)  

You and Zelda stood. Impa and Daena soon followed. Link, who never experienced this, was in shock. You smiled as he stood, "That was a Sword Sage. They are monks who are carefully chosen after the hero's death to guard the Master Sword until the new hero arrives." You explained. "Now that you have the sword, Link, we must take you back to the castle to meet Father and present the sword to him." 

Link nodded, then you all left the Temple of Time and made the journey back to the castle.

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