Chapter 8

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(f/fl): favorite flower

"Hello again, princess, I'm glad you could join me."

You sat straight in your chair, your hands sat gently on your lap. "Hello, sir," you responded politely. Your voice echoed in the great dining hall. It was quiet for a moment. You took this time to think, you never learned his name...well, that Shadow Link called him "Vaati," but you weren't sure if he wanted you to call him something else. Some people prefer it that way. Your father had his subjects call him formally, while his friends addressed him casually. "I learned your name from Shadow Link, Vaati, was it? Or would you like me to address you differently?"

"You may call me Vaati, or Lord Vaati, whatever suits you best, my dear." He said smirking. He brought his hands up to his chin. His head rested on his entwined fingers as his elbows rested on the table. "Alright then, Lord Vaati." 

When you first meet people, you tend to be formal, but once you become comfortable, you tend to act more like yourself. That is, comfy, carefree, and sometimes mischievous, your tomboy side even shows. 

"I didn't know what you'd like, so I picked dishes from all over Hyrule to be prepared. I also didn't know how you felt about new dishes so I prepared some from my kingdom." He spoke so properly for an evil man. "Thank you, Lord Vaati, my favorite dishes come from all over Hyrule. We regularly eat foods from all over so we would be accustomed to whatever dishes may come our way when we travel. I look forward to trying your dishes as well." You smiled softly, you don't know why but you felt some sort of comfort in Vaati, like you've known him for years.

"I appreciate that, princess, thank you." Vaati called for some servants to help you get your food. The servants here seemed to be monster-like. They were short in stature and very skinny. They looked similar to the bokoblins you would encounter back in Hyrule, yet they didn't look as gross. One came to you holding a plate. It looked at you expectantly, as if asking you to tell it what kind of food you would like. You stood from your chair, Vaati stopped you, "Sit, princess. Just point to the food and the bokoblin will get it for you. He will also fetch your drink of choice."

You nodded and sat back down. You pointed to dishes from the Gerudo Desert, Zora dishes, and a Rito dish. The bokoblin came back and sat the plate in front of you. You asked it to bring you some wine. After it left, you inspected the food. It all looked so authentic. The fish looked like it came straight from Zora river, the salted cuckoo was cooked exactly how it was in Gerudo Town, even the Salmon Meuniere looked exactly like the one a young Rito once made for you. You were thoroughly impressed. The bokoblin returned with your wine. It was in a beautiful crystal glass with gold trim on the neck of the glass. (Idk wine terminology lol) 

You thanked the bokoblin and waited for Vaati's signal for you to start eating. You looked up from your plate to Vaati across the table. He nodded at you and took his fork and knife and cut into his food. You followed. First, you decided to try the Salmon Meuniere. You stuck your fork into the fish and your knife cut into it. Once you got a piece small enough to fit into your mouth, you picked it up with your fork and took a bite. It was delicious! It tasted like the real thing! You took a sip of your wine to help wash down the taste, the wine even tasted like it came straight from Hyrule Castle!

You hummed as you chewed. Vaati heard you and smiled to himself. He was glad you enjoyed the food. He went through so much trouble finding these recipes. That's why there were so many monster attacks, but of course you don't know that.

You both ate your meals in silence, once Vaati finished, he broke this peaceful silence. "So, princess, I take it you're enjoying your meal?" Startled, you lifted your head, with a mouthful of food, which was very unladylike. You couldn't help yourself, some of this food you haven't had in years!  You swallowed and wiped your mouth with your napkin, which made Vaati chuckle. You were so cute to him. "Yes, Lord Vaati, I find this food rather delicious."

"No need to be so formal, dear, you can speak how you normally do, as if you're talking to an old friend."

You finally took notice of how he addresses you, never by your name, but by princess, and dear. "I always speak this way."

"No you don't, you speak with that little servant of yours as of you are a mere commoner. You address your sister, that knight, and the other servant similarly."

You didn't know what to say, how did he know this? Has he been spying on you? "I do not know what you're talking about." You stood from your chair. Shadow Link, who was standing near the door, looked up. You spoke to him, still glaring at Vaati, "I'd like to return to my quarters please." Shadow Link looked at Vaati for approval, Vaati waved his hand telling Shadow Link to go ahead. 

You turned sharply towards the door and strode across the hall. Shadow Link quickly opened the doors for you and rushed after you. "Uh, Princess, do you have any idea how to get back to your room?" You stopped, you realized you have no idea where you're going. "I...I don't, Shadow Link. I was just frustrated is all." Why were you speaking to him like this? He is a servant of the man who kidnapped you! But...he felt like he had some sort of kindness deep within him, like he COULD be trusted.

"You may not want to go to your room, I know a nice place you could go to calm down. Just follow me." Shadow led you out of the halls to another grand door. He opened it to reveal a stunning garden. There was only one type of flower, (f/fl). (If you have more than one favorite flower like I do, the garden can be a mix of those!)

The rows of flowers and shrubs wove together and formed some type of maze. It was so big that you could get lost here for days before you found the center, or the way back out. Shadow Link looked over at you, you had a look of awe on your face. "How...?"

"How does he know what your favorite flower is? No idea. But it looked like he had all your favorite foods as well." You stepped away from Shadow Link towards the garden maze. "I don't even know how he knows this much about you, Princess (y/n), but he seems really interested in you." 

"Shadow Link..." you called out to him softly.

"Just call me Shadow, Princess."

"Well then, Shadow, have you ever gone through this maze?"

"No, why?"

"Would you like to join me?" You turned to him, the breeze started to blow making your hair and dress flow in the wind.


So, I actually started this chapter yesterday, I thought I wouldn't finish it today either due to writers block. But I pushed through! So here y'all go, two chapters this week! 

Oh, and I have a couple of favorite flowers, wisteria, hibiscus, and sunflowers. I'm curious as well, dear readers, what's your favorite flower?

An Old Friend (Vaati x Reader) Slow Burn!Where stories live. Discover now