Chapter 1

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Please, Val, never join the armed forces

"ATTENTION!" Lieutenant Gaz yelled from the front of the eager crowd, his voice booming as if he was using a megaphone. The sound of boots hitting the floor filled the room, before silence reigned as the new recruits stood at attention in front of the older soldier.
"Sir, the jet is ready to go" A smaller, less authoritive looking man called from the door, which was acknowledged with a sharp nod from the lieutenant.
"As you all should know, I am a part of a brilliant task force, and I have been training you all to test your potential to join that team. Unfortunately, you all fucking suck" Gaz yelled at the top of his lungs, watching the downfall of faces as his words hit the heart, Valentines included.
"Sir, we-" One brave soul began to protest, but backed down when Gaz shot him a menacing look.
"All bar one!" Gaz continued, his eyes scanning the freshly eager faces in front of him until his eyes hit his target, a slight smile on his face.
"Who?" A voice echoed from the back of the hall, earning a smack from his buddies around him.
"Private Price, step forward would ya?" Gaz called, his voice less patronizing than before - it was almost as if he cared. Valentine widened her eyes, walking through the crowd with immense difficulty, due to her fellow soldiers reluctance to part for the sole female in the building.
"What?! A girl?!" The man to the left of her yelled, but it didn't phase her. She was used to it. The sergeant at the recruitment office said the same, but upon learning who her father was, he let her join with no word of complaint.
"Back off buddy, she hit 15 bulls eyes in the time you shot one, I'd rather fight with someone I know can have my back than someone who can't reload a gun in 10 seconds" Gaz warned, watching Valentine step up to the stage, walking over to him. 
"I knew your father" A man beside Gaz muttered to her, his hands firmly behind his back. Val nodded in acknowledgement, before moving her eyes to Gaz, who looked at her with a slight smile.
"Are you willing to join Task Force 141, better known as Bravo Six?" Gaz asked, a confident and if not proud look on his face.
"I am, sir" Valentine replied confidently, standing at attention in front of him.
"At ease, soldier. Go pack your belongings, we leave within the hour" Gaz instructed, dismissing the rest before following the other man out the door, leaving Val in shocked silence.

"I can't believe he chose a girl" A voice echoed through the halls as she shouldered her backpack, darkening her features for a second.
"Don't listen to them, you'll do great" A voice piped in as the door beside her opened, revealing the man from earlier.
"If you don't mind, who are you sir?" Val asked, eyeing his uniform in curiosity.
"Call me Nikolai, but feel free to call me Nik, I'm one of Gaz's good friends, he asked me to join him for this to help him decide" Nikolai smiled, holding his hand out for her to shake.
"Ah, I vaguely remember the name - you're the Russian Informant who helped Price and Soap from time to time, right?" Valentine asked, tilting her head slightly as she shook his hand firmly.
"That I am, come on, let's get you to the jet without another misogynistic comment from your unprofessional fellow comrades" Nikolai chuckled, shouldering his own bag as he led her toward the runway, where a massive cargo plane sat.
"I thought this was a jet?" Valentine asked, looking up at the plane in awe.
"I lied, jets barely fit a person, this can fit 50 people with ease... though this trip will only carry 5" Nik grinned, walking towards the door with a bounce in his step.

Val stepped up into the plane, walking through until she saw Gaz sitting in one of the many seats, reading a newspaper.
"Come, sit" Gaz mumbled, indicating to the seat across from him, never taking his eyes from the newspaper in front of him. Val nodded and secured her bag in the luggage compartment before taking the seat, pulling a magazine from the pile on the floor.
"What made you want to join the armed forces?" Gaz asked, lowering his newspaper to look at her, tilting his head in an interested manner. "It wasn't your dad was it? Cause that would be a lame reason" he added with a playful smile on his face.
"No sir, it has always been a dream of mine to fight for what's right, fight for my country and protect the innocent people in it" Valentine replied with a slight smile, leaning back in her seat. 
"Please, just call me Gaz. Oh, you best update your resume because you're a lieutenant now, I spoke with the sarge of the team, told him your capabilities and he told me you're promoted, long story, we don't usually recruit privates" Gaz explained, resting his elbows on his knees as he silently studied Valentine.
"Well, Gaz, please call me Val, I don't really use Valentine all that much. Thank you, I appreciate being considered for this team" Val replied with a smile, meeting his eyes.
"What does your father think of being in Task Force 141? I'm assuming you've told him" Gaz asked, putting the newspaper on the pile of books, keeping his full attention on her.
"Well... he doesn't know, I haven't even told him I was joining the armed forces..." Val shrugged slightly as she spoke, rubbing her neck.
"Why doesn't he know?" Gaz asked, raising his eyebrow quizzically.
"Because the first words he told me when we had a good enough bond were "please, Val, don't join the armed forces" and I know he will flip if he finds out that not only am I in the armed forces, but I'm in the same task force that he was in" Val explained, with a mild shrug as she looked out the small window beside her.
"I see, so what you're saying is we shouldn't tell him how well you're doing?" Gaz asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion - he never kept secrets from his old captain, he knew it would be hard not to say anything.
"I would appreciate if you didn't mention me at all" Val smiled slightly to him, appreciating the conversation but she wasn't big on conversations, and she wished to pass the time reading whatever magazine she had picked up.
"That's completely fine with me, just let Soap know - he doesn't know how to shut his mouth sometimes, but he'll understand" Gaz replied, grabbing another magazine and delving into it, to which she took as an end of conversation, nodding and returning to read her magazine.

The flight took a little over 8 hours, during which Val read every magazine, the newspaper, and slept through, before they landed in an abandoned military base just west of the Iraq border.
"Home sweet home" Gaz muttered, climbing off the plane with his bag, indicating to Val to follow him. Val grabbed her bag and followed him across the runway and through some big double doors, taking in the view of the military base.
"The base has been abandoned for 7 years, after Iraq discovered it, however, we use the rooms underground, because they don't know of it's existence so even if they came by to check it was still uninhabited, we can still work without having to drop everything and fight" Nikolai explained as they made their way through the halls, to a secret passage which led down to their base.
"I see" Val nodded, following them down the muddy steps, through another set of doors, and into a large briefing room, where a few soldiers sat, chatting amongst themselves.

"Soap, Roach, Ghost, Yuri, meet Valentine, our new recruit" Gaz announced, silencing the room. There was a couple moments of silence as the team took her in, their eyes moving down her body then back to her face.
"You brought a girl to a battle field?" One of the men asked, unsurely, tilting his head slightly as he examined her.
"Not just any girl, Valentine Price" Gaz pointed out, looking to Soap pointedly.
"John Price's daughter?" The man, Val could only assume to be Soap, asked, raising his eyebrow.
"Yeah, that's me" Val nodded, giving a semi salute awkwardly.
"Didn't even know he had one" The man with a balaclava replied backhandedly "besides, Roach, girls can fight too - they're not just your sex toys" he added, hitting the man over the head gently.
"Well, Valentine, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Soap, the captain, that's Ghost, Roach and Yuri, you've already met Gaz and Nikolai" Soap announced, walking over and holding his hand out for her to shake.
"Please, call me Val, and it's a pleasure to put a face to a name" Val replied with a grin, shaking his hand firmly, with a little bit of enthusiasm.
"He spoke about me? Only good things I hope" Soap replied with a grin, shaking his head. And then it clicked.
"You died... How is a dead man living?" Val asked, putting her bag in the corner, a slight way away from the others.
"Long story, we'll save it for another day. I can't face Price at the moment, I haven't seen him since my "death". And I hope to keep it that way - for a little while, at least. So how come we never heard of the little Price?" Soap asked, arching his eyebrow slightly.
"Yeah, we've known him for 20 years and we've never heard of his 24 year old daughter" Ghost added, tilting his head while looking at her, or she assumed so, she couldn't see his eyes behind the sunglasses he wore.
"Because he didn't know I existed until last year, which I believe was just a few months after he left the force" Val replied shortly, waving it off slightly.
"He did sleep around, a lot, during his time, odds are he has a couple kids" Roach shrugged, looking back to his phone.
"Gee, he slept with more people than there are in this room right now" Ghost added, under his breath.
"Good to know, he's getting married soon, think he chose this teams creation date to be his wedding date too" She mused, sitting in one of the seats, unsure of what to do.
"4th March, interesting choice - that's a good 6 months away, we may actually be home in time for that" Nikolai mused, leaning against the wall, observing the very quiet man in the corner.
"I won't be there" Yuri finally spoke up, looking up from staring at the table.
"Aw man come on, he wants all of us" Ghost exclaimed, sitting up, looking to the man, confused.
"No, he won't when he finds out I tried to kill his daughter" Yuri finalized, silencing the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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