Author's Note +Westipthal's Historiography

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Author's Notes:

1. The Schools of the Girls und Panzer Universe will be converted into nation-states, with the year starting in 1950.

2. The smaller minor nations of Earth will be annexed into their respective spheres by the major newly-established nations, with exceptions such as Continuation, Maple, Kuala, and the South American Nations.

3. The Cold War is currently taking place, with the following Super-Powers, Saunders(USA) and Pravda(USSR). The German Divide will be with Ooraii(West Germany) and Kuromuromine(East Germany). Korea, Vietnam, China, and Yugoslavia are also in a state of civil war.

4. Westipthal will be brought into the world in the Western Pacific, from Okinawa to Wake Island.


National Historiography.

Nation: Westipthal(Kingdom of Westipthal)

Denotation: Westip

Culture: Westip(Closely related to German, heavily martial at its core)

Area: ~10,000,000 Square Kilometers

Population: ~175,000,000 people

Technological Parity: German 1970s standards.

Standing Army: 1,250,000 Active( 750,000 Army, 300,000 Navy, 150,000 Air Force)(13,000,000 Reserves)

National Leader: King Erik von Reichstach(23) of House Reichstach.

National Government: Absolute Monarchy

National Services:
Westip Royal Army
Westip intelligence
Westip Diplomatic Corps
Westip Department of Commerce

National Banner:

National Banner:

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Founded 456 years ago, the Kingdom of Westipthal, through diplomacy and conflict, managed to become a world power. While the house that founded the kingdom, House Bavaria, died out around 200 years ago, a new house ruled over the nation since, House Reichstach.

House Reichstach was core to the rapid expansion via military might in the region, even before it's rise to the throne. From a minor duchy to essentially an empire, many victories has been granted at the hands of the House. But they also suffered defeat, and try their best to adapt and overcome.

The nation's main rival was the Republic of Ursa, which often formed coalitions to keep the Kingdom in check. A total of five major wars, called the Westip-Ursa Wars, erupted between the two, often being fought to a draw or minor victory for either side. Proxy wars often ended up drawing both sides into open conflict, but neither side has even developed Nuclear weapons or similar weapons of mass destruction, being extremely adverse to 'cowardly weapons'.

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