chapter 4

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"Today is a very special event," Joshua greets standing behind the podium." today we join together the beautiful diva Boo Seungkwan and the handsome Choi Vernon Hansol, in marriage!" Seungkwan giggles at Joshua's titles. 'His smile could end world hunger' I think feeling warm inside. "Well, as much as I would love to go on for hours about vows and whatnot, Seokmin and I have work to attend to," Seungkwan and I look into each other's eyes with warmth and love.

(Don't be confused I just don't feel like writing a wedding I'll leave pictures at the end don't worry, also after Seungkwan's part there will be no more date to remember lol bye)

"I do,"

"I do!"

2018,20 years old


It's been months since Vernon and I got married. I haven't been feeling the best. Vernon says he misses the divaboo I was before I started feeling bad. I'm starting to gain weight too.

"Kwannie, I think you should go to the doctor, I'm getting worried," Vernon says as we cuddle in bed together.

"I will, tomorrow, okay?" Vernon hums and drifts off to sleep. I hug him tightly and fall asleep soon after.

The next day was interesting to say the least, when Vernon and I went to the doctor we found out some news but I think it's best to start from the beginning of the day.

Vernon was the first one to wake up, and of course I didn't know that. Vernon was laying on the bed shirtless right in front of my eyes. Due to impulse i guess i began to trace circles on his abs. The son of a sausage begins laughing with a pillow over his face. I lightly slapped him.

"Good morning,boo." He says through the pillow.

"Good morning, you son of a bitch!"Vernon laughs at that.

"Jeez, what did I do?" For some reason I'm very emotional right now and I start crying. By now the pillow was off of Vernon's face and he saw me crying.

"Hey, Kwannie, why are you crying?" He asks while sitting up and bringing me closer. I eventually stop crying and we start to get ready to head to the doctors office. Seungcheol texted me asking if we were ready. He had offered to drive us and pick us up saying how he didn't want Vernon to crash the car and kill us both.It was nonsense. When we got to the doctor's office we sat in the waiting, holding hands. I was drinking my usual iced americano. I was done drinking it by the time we were called in.

"Hello, Mr. Boo and Mr. Choi(in Korea the wife doesn't take on the husband's surname and since Seungkwan is technically the wife in this story. I kept Boo), I'm Dr. Bang Chan, you can just call me Chan or Chris!" Vernon and I wave in return." So, I'm aware that you have been vomiting lately and gaining weight irregularly, can you tell me when this all started?" Chan questions.

"I would say it started a week after our honeymoon which was about three months ago," Chan nods and writes something down on his clipboard. 

"I think we will do some tests and I'll get back to you when the results come in," Vernon and I nod in agreement. After getting some tests done Vernon and I went to visit Jisoo and Seokmin who had recently married. We got to Jisoo and Seokmin's home not even an hour later. They always left a key near the door so we walk in and hear bickering.

"Don't put that there!"

"Then where should I put it?!"

"I don't know, anywhere but there!"

"Hello,Jisoo hyung,Seokmin hyung!?" The bickering stop and the sound of footsteps start sounding closer and closer. Jisoo walks in holding his stomach.

"Oh, Seungkwan, Vernon, hey!" Seokmin peeks his head out from a wall close to them."Come here, I want to show you guys something!"Jisoo leads Vernon and I to the room where Seokmin's head popped out from. The walls were painted a light lavender, there was a crib and some other baby-related things. I looked at Jisoo kind of confused.

"We're having a tiny Jesus!" I go up to Jisoo and Seokmin and hug them. Vernon joins in as well. After a few hours, Vernon and I head home.


By the time Seungkwan and I got home, it was about 8:00 pm. We eat dinner and sit on the couch in the living room. I got up to get some ice cream for the both of us. I got a matcha ice cream tub from the freezer and put it on the counter close to the shelves with bowls, cups, and jugs. I grab two bowls from off the shelf and some spoons from one of the drawers. I put two scoops of ice cream in each bowl, I walked back over to the couch with both bowls in my hands. By the time I had finished Seungkwan had put on some random k-drama.

"Kwannie, here," I hand Seungkwan the bowl 

"Oh.thanks!" He grabs it and averts his attention back on the tv. We both start to eat our ice cream. Once we're done I wash the bowls and put them on the drying rack.

"Kwannie, I've been meaning to ask you something," I sat back down next to Seungkwan and faced him.

"What is it, Sollie?" Seungkwan turns towards me with a smile brighter than the sun on his face.

"Do you think you think that there might be a teeny tiny possibility that you're pregnant?" Seungkwan stops smiling and starts to frown. "Oh, Kwannie did I say something wrong," I started to get a little anxious. "Do you not want kids with me ?" Seungkwan looks down at his hands. I can see him start to cry.

"Of course, I want to have kids with you, Sollie," He grabs my hands and looks up. "I'm just worried," I hugged him.

"There is no need to be worried, I'm here to protect you and care for you," I let go of him for a second. "I won't let anything bad happen to you!" We hug on the couch for a while then go to bed. 

         🪴🌻🪴🌻🪴🌻🪴🌻🪴🌻TOO 🪷  BE🪷 CONTINUED  🪴🌻🪴🌻🪴🌻🪴🌻🪴🌻

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