Chapter 17 ~ Her Voice

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"Yugi, Yugi, you love me, right Yugi? You were going to marry me, weren't you, Yugi?" She said in a sing-songy voice, "They were the ones afraid to let you marry me, they were the ones who made you change your mind, right Yugi?"

I scratched my head. Her voice hadn't gone away since Yami left this morning. He hadn't come back yet.

"Oh come on, remember my big, green eyes? Remember my cute smile? Remember the body you so desperately wanted to touch? You can still have that Yugi, just tell me you love me, Yugi."

I shook my head and pulled the blankets over my body, but she wouldn't stop.

"Oh Yugi, you can't hide from me. I'm already yours Yugi, you just have to say you love me. You just have to take the box back from Yami, and run the tap water, and I promise you Yugi, I'm yours, I'm all yours Yugi. No more of this Yami business, he doesn't deserve you anyway. He loves me, not you, you don't want to be with someone like that do you?"

"But you love Yami too..." I muttered weakly.

"How can I love someone like that? After what he did to me? Oh Yugi, he's really got you, hasn't he?"

I pulled the blanket off and sat up, clenching my fists, "You're lying to me, you're just going to eat me and take Yami."

"Oh, no, on the contrary - I'll eat Yami and we'll both be out of the misery he caused us. You can come with me and we'll be together for eternity."

"You're lying."

"Oh my sweet Yugi-"

"Shut up!"

"What did you just say to me?"

"STOP IT!" I shouted and suddenly an intense pain raged through my entire body.

"You're mine Yugi, you don't have a choice. You can please me or I can make your life a living hell, which will it be?"

"Neither!" I shouted, despite the intense head-pounding. It felt like my blood was literally boiling. I struggled to my legs and out of my bedroom door. I stumbled to the stairs and fell down them.

"Yugi? Are you alright?" Grandpa asked unsuspectingly and then rushed over to me, "Yugi! What's wrong?"

" hurts..." I said weakly before I couldn't help it and started screaming. My grandpa and hurried to get the phone and dialed something before talking into it while kneeling beside me. That was the last thing I saw for a while.


"Goodmorning." A kind lady's voice greeted.

"...Where am I?"

She laughed, "You ask this question every day. Now don't freak out, you're in a mental facility. We're here to help you."

" long have I been here...and...why?"

She smiled apologetically. She was very pretty, wearing a clean white coat and her brown hair was tied up in a bun atop her head. She gently placed her hand on my shoulder, "Well we're not exactly sure what caused it, but you had an incident and went into a coma for a week. When you woke up, you kept saying something about a girl named Cassie. You told her to stop hurting you. We want to help you here, so she can stop hurting you, is that alright?"

I looked at her uncertainly, "How long has it been?"

"Almost a month, I think. Not too long."

"Oh..." I said and looked around the plain-looking room, "What about Yami?"

"He visits you every day, don't you remember?"

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