So my professor is half goat?

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My name is Floe Iceus Winters. And yes i get it my name is weird ok. Every part of my life is weird like last week I saw a a giant bull man run around the city screaming at the top of his lungs "I'M GONNA KILL THESE DEMIGODS!!" Which was quite confusing for me but didn't surprise me because I've seen weird things before.

Like in 3rd grade i saw a lady with a Chihuahua and at the time i thought "hey that's pretty normal in my unnormal life" only to see the chihuahua turn into a lion goat and try to bite my head off. Oh you thought it ended there? Strangely its mouth went through my body.

Now i could go on and on about weird things that happened to me but i would rather say the weird things that are going on in the present.

So let me introduce you to my school called Yancy Academy. And I really don't know why but i always get a headache when go to that school I've been to other schools but only this school that gives me headaches it makes my headache for no reason this has happened before like when I went to hoover dam with my dad and my aunt I got a headache  and after that i got a weird sense of humor and I found saying dam French fries and and dam food.

Also let me introduce you to my dad his name is James Iceus Winters and my aunt is Sally Jackson.

James and Sally have a 6 year age difference but she is still my aunt. And they both are definitely hiding something from me.

When we go to my aunts house there aren't many pictures but one picture always catches my eye. In that picture there is a man standing next to Sally and there is a teenager with tan skin ,raven black hair and sea green eyes it always gives me a headache too.

Oh yeah I'll give you a description of myself I was the same as the teenager in the picture except I have black eyes and pale skin and younger and not a teenager and not that muscular?... so yeah we are nothing alike. 

Ahh stupid ADHD lets get back to subject you see it was 2 week before the Annual Exams so as the good student I was I went to sneak over to the principal's office. My professor and principle was weird too and they BOTH give me headache's for the love of god can as if just entering this school and getting a headache isn't enough my professor (He is my Greek mythology teacher teacher... I don't know why those exists in our school its like the most useless subject) walks in crutches... except when its enchilada Monday or coffee Wednesday he runs faster than light get those... I don't know why ok? He also never revealed his name to us and forced us to call him professor for whatever reason. And the principle is crippled he uses a wheel chair but he joins karate matches in the school and actually wins(to be fair its just a bunch of 12 year old's jumping and kicking and acting like they no karate) .

But this conversation? It was weirder than both of them combined. I mean I know my Professor is my history teacher but I don't think history teacher talk like they are in the mythology they are teaching.

The conversation went something like this:

???: Why did the stupid oracle tell us to come here? I don't even sense a demigod. why cant you just tell me the prophecy

???:Patience my child there is a reason for everything


This is when my dumbass decided to sneeze and let them know that I was here.

So I did the most logical thing I ran... did you think I would do something stupid? Don't worry i did i also decided to trip midway but its fine I made it back to my dorm. And I didn't get caught so all is good. Well THE NEXT DAY SOMBODY SNITCHED ON ME. Well it was a teacher though Nancy Bobofit and guess what? SHE ALSO GIVES ME HEADACHES Jesus Christ can I just stop having these stupid headache's in this  school.

Nancy bobofit is my English teacher she is the most annoying teacher EVER!! She doesn't even teach me and puts surprise tests and gives me the worst punishments because she hates me for whatever reason? She has been like that ever since I told her Sally Jackson is my aunt which was right at the start of school when I was forced to introduce myself. So yeah basically 5 minutes after she met me.

She apparently "saw me" while I was running through the hall. I already  know she be lying. She has been stalking me ever since I got in this school. She constantly tries to make me mess up but always fails because of my awesomeness. But this time I actually did it and she had proof. BECAUSE SHE WAS CARRYING A CAMERA AROUND. Of course that is totally not a stalker I really don't know how she isn't fired yet.

But unfortunately she got her wish and I was expelled from Yancy academy. well I really didn't like the school anyway it had alot of bullies but what I'm more worried about if my father every time I get kicked out of a school he always lectures me about it (rightfully so) and this time Sally was also there. To say the least I was screwed. Yep i forgot to mention I've been expelled before if I could write a story about how many times I've been kicked out of schools I could write a book bigger than all the harry potter books combined. . . ok maybe not that much but its still alot and I really don't want to talk about it. . . ok fine I'll tell one story one time on a field trip to the zoo I was blamed for setting the animals out of their cage just because I was riding on top of the elephant doesn't mean I set them free pfft . . . ok maybe I did do it but because the animals looked abused ok? And I was bored I mean who brings students to a zoo for their field trip.(and I had no friends SOOO it was extra boring)

(Time Skip!!)

So when I reached my house I  was practically shaking with fear not because I'm scared of my dads lecture or that Sally is there and will probably lecture me too its because how much time my dad uses in their lecture. And with Sally there with their adult powers combined they will double the time in their lecture.

But something was off the door was open. Was it my birthday? And were they throwing me a party? Oh boy was I wrong.

In there what i saw could never be erased from my memories. there was a woman with black hair and yellow eyes and a black dress stabbing my dad and my aunts dead bodies.

And what happened next scarred me for life. She turned around held up her knife and said your next and she rushed me. . . I really thought I was dead until I was pushed away.

i scrambled to my feet as fast as I could and I turned around to see a man that definitely looked like my professor but he had. . . goat hooves? 

So my half goat professor looked at me dead in the eyes and said "What are you lookin at? We Gotta run" I nodded and we started bolting across the street 

We were running for 5 minutes the psychopath woman wasn't following us but we were still running so I did the most logical thing I asked him "WHAT ARE YOU, WHO ARE YOU, WHERE ARE WE RUNNING TO AND WHO KILLED MY DAD AND MY AUNT" and surprisingly he answered " Well kid my name is henry and I'm a satyr and I'm here to just take you to some where safe."

So should I continue from this chapter or should I edit it and did I explain things enough but Im not gonna say what happened to Percy till a couple of chapters later.

Aight peeps until next time byeee.

Floe Iceus Winters Son of KhioneWhere stories live. Discover now