Soo Elsa is my mom now?

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All characters except the OC's belong to uncle rick enjoy now :)

"Wait, wait wat what do you mean by 'safe place'? "I asked the now found half goat henry what did he call himself? Ah a satyr. "Yes kid a safe place" Professor henry said. "Okay so your a satyr?" I asked "Yes" he says while panting because we were still running from the crazy women that killed basically my parents... well not basically I mean sally was my aunt but she was my mother figure whenever we were together.

"You mean those half goats from the Greek mythology thing?" I asked because I'm still trying to wrap my head around this "Good I see you have been listening at least a little bit" Henry says "Wow that is very encouraging professor henry anyways why didn't you tell anyone  your name and also I'm also curious to who killed my  FRICKING PARENTS" I asked pretty rudely but I mean come on my 'kinda' parents just died I have a right to be a little mad. "Kid stop asking multiple questions only one questions at a time but I will let it slide this once I didn't tell anybody my name because there are other satyr's in the school and I'm quiet famous in the satyr race and Eris the goddess of conflict killed your parents" 

So I was a bit surprised I mean henry didn't look like much he look like a regular 30 year old man he had a goatee and curly hair and a slight mustache and there was only one weird thing about him whenever he was mad he turned slightly green which I don't remember satyr's doing that the Greek mythology books.

"Hmm okay" I say while panting I look behind us and there is no crazy women with a bloody knife chasing us. So I thought we were in the clear. So I asked "Where are we going though" Okay i might be a idiot but I have the common sense to not ask where we are going when the enemy is chasing us (little did I know that it wouldn't matter) "We are going to long island and you better keep your mouth shut starting now kid  from this point on. You got that?" he asked very angrily so I happily obliged even though I had more questions but I decided to keep them for later.

And then he whistled then a a black horse came down although it did look weird 'why am I not surprised' I thought it was a horse that kept changing shape like a cloud and it had storms surrounding it "Hop on kid this is my pet venti harry" I was shocked to say the least and I don't if its because he somehow tamed a storm horse or the fact that he didn't say kid with so much venom it would make pythons jealous.

So i hoped on and a while later Mr. half goat said "Were here kid" Ah there it is the classic goat that hates children is back.

So This is where things go terribly wrong and my life gets more messed my and I even thought I was going insane.

We were walking up the hill and we saw a beautiful pine tree that almost shined   

Well every thing was good until I saw that crazy women what was her name? Eris was it?

She had a sadistic smile that would scare the crap out of anyone in the vicinity. Then I was almost convinced that I was in a horror movie SHE STARTED LAUGHING " ah oh how I have been waiting for you young ones" She said I had a unburning rage burning inside my blood and I did something I for some reason instinctively went to my pocket nobody seemed to notice though " WHY DID YOU KILL MY PARENTS" I yelled I believe this is one of the most stupid things I have done in my life other than I certain other scenario I do in the future but that's for later.

She could probably kill me with the flick of her finger but she didn't for some reason instead she said " I'm not here for you boy but if you want to be killed so badly I will kill you after the lowly satyr." "Kid listen run past the camp even if she is a goddess she would not want to face the wrath of Zeus." Henry said "But I cant leave you here you would die SHE IS A GODDESS YOUR A SATYR" I practically screamed "I KNOW THAT IS WHY I'M GONNA HOLD HER OFF JUST START RUNNING" he screamed back at me as he threw me up the hill... and then I saw the black haired goddess teleport to henry and decapitated him. "NOOO HENRY" but then I realized there was no way to win I could only walk past the boarders I usually do things based on what I feel like but if I do what I felt like right now I would have probably been dead and henry's sacrifice would have been for nothing.

So with a heavy heart i ran to the tree as fast as I could... but then I felt like I hit a wall? me and the goddess of conflict was confused be for she did her iconic sadistic smile "I see your just a mortal" She said as she burst out laughing. Ok? so I'm not a demigod I thought I would be demigod because I have seen the the bull-man (A.K.A The Minotaur) yelling something about demigods but i was still confused did henry bring me here because he thought I was a demi-god? 

but for now I know that I am not a demi-god I realized I was screwed... It then hit me I was gonna get decapitated and probably put for decoration in one last pathetic attempt I tried running into the camp boarders and well I blacked out. And I thought 'well I lived a good life' and then I realized a women with black hair with streaks it looked more like white hair with little streaks of black "So you are are wondering why are here i presume?" The women asked me and I replied with "yes"  She chuckled "Well let me introduce myself my name is khione goddess of snow and ice daughter of Boreas and I'm here to make a deal with you" She said And my thought was ' OHHHHH That is why she looked liked Elsa' "Ok? My name is Floe iceus winters and what is the deal?" I said

I mean she didn't look like she wanted to hurt me she couldn't because I'm dead "Well If you were to follow the voices and dreams in your head I would make you my son." She said casually So I was confused to say the least "Soo which part of the deal is the bad part?" I asked. She just chuckled and said "Well the bad part is the voice listening because it will tell you to do random stuff like for example put your hand in fire for a reward and the good part of the deal is you will be my son and I will spoil you and you can also enter camp." 

"Uh huh one problem I'm probably beheaded by now" I sassed at the goddess and she just said "Your not dead well at least you wont be after the deal" " Okay what does that me-" I got cut off by her and she said "Nu uh no more questions will you accept or not?" I mentally groaned "Ok fine better than being dead" I said grudgingly then she did something I did not expect she stood up and squealed and then said "ok son love you bye" and kissed me on the cheek. (I keep trying to figure out why she acted like a 5 year old with a sugar rush that day but I guess we will never know.)

And then I woke up in a bed next to a table with a glass with something that looked like honey before passing out again.


So dat was da chapter I know yells didn't get enough time to bond with henry and for that I'm sorry. I just needed a way to show that Floe is actually mortal and not a demi-god and if your wondering why he could tell flow was human is because there was a prophecy that henry should find a child from Yancy academy but I'm not gonna go over that because I'm lazy.(And later on henry's parents are gonna be revealed)   

So anyways peeps that's it for today see yells later 


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