I Think I was Weird

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All characters except the OC's belong to uncle rick :)

So I expected to wake up to wake up in my dorm in Yancy academy 

Obviously that didn't work out...

Instead I woke up is the area with the honey glass. There was a sign on it that said don't drink too much or you might disintegrate. But unfortunately I couldn't read so I drank the whole glass. Fortunately though I didn't denigrate instead it didn't taste like honey it tasted like aunt sally blue cookies which was weird. Imagine drinking chocolate chip cookies without it being chunky. But it was then reality hit me they were dead for real.

At least I had a good 5 minutes before I realized they were dead. I mean I knew they were dead but it never hit me that they were gone forever. 

I also had a good 2 minutes to breakdown because after that timer was up somebody walked in the door. 

He looked like henry. HECK he looked exactly like henry well except he is older than him. And then reality hit me again henry gave away his life to save me and he left his loved ones just so I can live. I felt myself choke on air disgusted with myself I barely even tried to save him I felt like I could save him I didn't.... well I couldn't but I ran away to fight another day at the cost of another life.

  Trying to keep that aside I realized this person was either his father or his older brother (yes I am really perceptive) 

The goat man said "Hey kid how ya doing?" and then with my genius brain I responded with "I'm doing fine just drank a lot of blue chocolate chip cookies"

He had a hint of recognition in his eyes and said "What do you mean? The only person i know who makes those are Sally" and I said " Like Sally Jackson? She's my aunt." "WHAT" He shrieked and then said "Ok we need to talk about that later" he almost threatened me "But for now I got another question where is the person named henry who brought you here?" I felt my self choke on air again but I managed to say "He is gone, he died trying to save me" I sobbed

The goat man was shocked "Bu- but no no way" And I watched him go through the five stages of grief in under a minute well except he skipped bargaining and didn't reach acceptance 

And he asked me in a shaky voice "Ho-how did he die" I would have told him 'are you stupid I just told you he sacrificed himself for me' but because both of our moods are bad I just said "He got beheaded by somebody name Eris"

"Eris as in goddess of conflict?" He asked almost scared "Umm I guess. That's what henry told me. I'm not that good with Greek mythology. And he seriously told me to tell him everything and I humbly obliged because I prefer not to have goat hooves trampling me.

Then he said "Well ok kid" he was crying by the end of the story. But then I did something that even shocked me "It's ok Grover" He immediately went on self defense mode "How do you know that!" then I said "Know what?" " MY NAME" he shrieked and I just realized I was really creepy right now so to fix that I said "Umm I don-" but before I could say anything he bolted out the room.

I sighed a long deep disappointed sigh 

So I just got out of bed. I went out the door and saw a horse man talking to 2 other children one with blue eyes, blonde hair.

He was slightly taller than me he also looked like the ladies man.

But then there was a girl with black hair and honey gold eyes she was beautiful not like she was hot but she was beautiful

The horse man's upper half looked like a average 30 year old man with a beard and the lower half was a beautiful white stallion. But something about this horse man felt familiar. And then it clicked. This was my crippled principle. And then my headache kicked in. or so I thought? Because instead of a headache I had a warm feeling? it was a feeling of warmth and safety.

And then he called me "hey your finally up my boy, come here" I don't know if my eyes deceived me because his eyes twinkled a little bit.

I should have mentioned this before but I'm kind of scared of talking to new people, well at least people my own age at one point I was afraid of talking to children as well but I was so bored at Nancy academy that my social anxiety didn't stop me from talking to children.

With my now shaking body I walked up to the horse man and said "Hey Chiron how have you been" because of this I made another unfriendly welcome because a little taken aback by this, literally because I swear I saw him jump 10 feet into the air, it took a good 20 seconds to clear the tension in the air but he finally said "interesting how do you know my name child?" in a shaky voice slowly calming down somehow.

I was about to reply when I realized there was still the 2 other people were still there and my social anxiety kicked in but I also realized another thing if the person named Grover was talking about Greek goddess's that means this place must be related to Greek mythology and Chiron must be horse man from the stories and if a random child comes out of nowhere and saying names casually must be weird even for Greek gods. So if I didn't say anything I would probably look like a bad spy from the outside.

So to not be weird I just said with my genius brain again I said "yes" I could see that I screwed up, the suspicion was slowly increasing in his eyes by the second I could see him reaching for his bow, then he shot a arrow at me but fear was increasing in my body by the second, but then every thing stopped. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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