CH18: A Deal and A Game

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Allan: So...I learned everything from you humans. Like sleeping, studying, playing...

Mabel: That is the reason why you were kind to us?

Allan: No no no Mabel. I was kind because I thought humans are nicer than I thought. They give me a food, love, care, trust but...BUT you betrayed me! Humans betrayed me again! And they tell me that humans are not nice like I thought!

Stan: YOU are the one who betrayed us-

Allan: Don't be sad people who got betrayed from their family, Stan. You guys....humans the one who betrayed and not me.

Mabel walks toward Allan.

Mabel: Please...I need you Dipper! I need you Allan!

------------I'll call him(This) Vincent-------------

Allan looks at Mabel and the others.

Allan: Hmm...

He looks at his brothers.

Allan snaps his fingers and Ford and Stan are in a big cage.

Stan: Again?! Are you kidding me?!

Allan: Be quiet and have fun with my brothers.

Allan smiles at her..

Allan: I will make a deal.

Mabel: What?

Allan: I will make a deal with you shooting star.

Mabel: Me? 

Ford: Don't make a deal with him! He is a bad and evil as Bill-

Bill: Shut up Sixer. 


Bill: Wanna have 500 vault? I know you can stay alive.

Ford shut his mouth.

Allan: So? Deal?

Mabel: ...

She looks everyone.

Mabel: Fine! Let's make a deal!

Allan smiles.

Allan: We will play a tag and I'll catch "EVERYONE" in 15 minutes. You can run "everywhere" in this Fearamid and outside. But I'll turn people into stone if they got caught by me. And if you all turn into stone, I'll kill these twins. 

Mabel: And if you couldn't catch "everyone"?

Allan: I'll not kill them and...we will stop "this"

Mabel: ...Really?

Bill appear next Allan.

Bill: Of course shooting star. We will stop "this"

Allan: I'll use only two magics but you don't know what.

Mabel: You really use ONLY TWO?

Allan nods.

Allan: Alright! Deal?

Mabel: Deal!

They shake their hands.

The green fire disappears.

Allan: Okay humans! I'll count ten seconds! Ready....start!

Everyone starts run.

Allan: So...teleport and what magic will I use...

Kill: Oh how about-

Allan: That's a great idea Brother Kill!

They looks at pines twin with a big smile. (Will is....not smiling tho. He is........idk.)

Four: Ready for the Game and the deal pines twin?

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