CH21: ኗዐዐዕጌሃቿ ኗዪልሀጎፕሃ ቻልረረነ

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*There will be another ending which means------*Error*
  丂ㄖ尺尺ㄚ 千ㄖ尺 乇卂尺ㄥ丨乇尺. 乇几フㄖㄚ(   Enjoy :)   )

After the long fight, Allan and Bill caught Mabel and Ford.

Allan: So which one do you want to die now?

Mabel: We are not going to die!

They laugh.

Bill: Shooting star, we won and that's all. You lost the war.

Ford: You will pay for this Cipher!

Bill: Will i? Ha! I never get consequences of things!

Allan: But you get consequence of left me alone-

Bill: No. should we kill them?

Allan: Hmm...oh hey wanna be ice and burn? or only burn?

Their face become white because they imagine their death.

Bill smiles.

Bill: Or you can watch until the world become ours and you will become alive stone!

Ford: No. Not-

Allan: Well...let's do both!

Ford: But you don't know how to break the wall!

Ford shout with a hope.

Demon brothers look at each other and laugh.

Kill: Oh man, who said humans can't be funnier than chaos?

Bill: This is why I like you sixer. You're smart guy but you're not smart enough.

Ford: What does it mean?!

Allan: I figure out how do I break it.

Ford: What? It's impossible-

Allan: I'm demon but also human.

Mabel: What

Allan didn't answer and he walks toward the wall.

Allan: It might be hurt but pain is hilarious so i don't mind and don't care.

Allan try to go though the wall...

His hands go though the wall.

He grins.

he crash the wall.

The wall break down.

Bill: Now everyone! It's time to put a weirdness to the world!

------Few days after-----

Mabel and Ford is alive...but they are stone.

Will always clean them up.

Allan and Bill are looking at the city called "Gravity Falls"

It turn to nothing but the fire and chaos.

They grin.

Allan and Bill: ኗዐዐዕጌሃቿ ኗዪልሀጎፕሃ ቻልረረነ

The only things left...

Two people that WAS family, The fire, The chaos, The weirdness......



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