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"You are hereby sentenced to seven years of prison for second-degree murder."

The time of his sentence rang unfairly to the victim's family. He should be locked up for longer. Clearly, there was something that happened behind the scenes. There was nothing that could be done about it anyway. Money was power, and power was money. 

Noelle turned to look at the criminal. It was the stillness in his eyes that gnawed at her. She could feel the calm radiating off his body despite being sentenced for a long time.

She watched as he quietly stood up there, and all she could do was watch from her seat. She met his gaze with unease.

His smile was what irked her and almost caused her to sob. Her face, unbeknownst to her, was already drenched in tears.

Why is he smiling at a time like this? That idiot.

There were shrieks and angry slurs heard and made towards the criminal from the other side.

They voiced how it didn't feel like justice and that the sentence was light.

She regretted not bribing the judge more before the final trial.

She will have to wait for him to be released after seven years to get out now.

She watched her boyfriend glare at the outraged group. Tears had welled up in the stranger's eyes from the given verdict.

Tears of relief that he at least got to put the man responsible behind bars.

Zenon Zogratis. The name of the deceased. The victim of Yuno's crime.

It's not like he didn't deserve it. If he wasn't dead now, he would've died sooner or later, considering the number of people who held a grudge against him.

The elated uncle of his finally locked eyes with him. He had the audacity to show him the middle finger.

She could see the corner of her boyfriend's lip twitch, itching to have a go at him.

But she knew he would refrain from doing so in the public eye. He didn't like bringing unnecessary attention to himself, which he unfortunately has been doing for the past few weeks.

He was consistently on the headlines and the front page of newspapers. There wasn't anything special about the case except the fact that the victim was someone with fame.

She could see relief take over his sadness as he saw her all sobered up. She signalled him to meet outside the court in a few minutes.

He nodded almost happily if it weren't for him being handcuffed. 

She then secretly signalled to one of the guards who was leading him out.

The guard nodded stiffly and whispered to the other guard, who then nodded back.

Her poor boyfriend was dragged out of the doors of the courtroom despite not showing any signs of resistance.

She smiled to the judge as politely as possible as he dismissed everyone. With everyone occupied to exit the room, her eyes met with the lawyer she had hired.

She slid her thumb across the neck violently. The lawyer cowered away from her intense gaze under his heavily stacked documents. He wasn't much help if she hadn't bribed the judge in the beforehand.

As angry as she was, her forced smile never left her face as she made her way out to meet her boyfriend.

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