Episode 10: Keys to Success

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(Start in TRENT's lab. TRENT is working on some sort of gadget when all of a sudden, he hears a knock at the door. He looks up.)

Trent-I really should install a doorbell or a buzzer or something. Whoever heard of knocking on a mad scientist's door? Besides, someone's going to hurt their knuckles on that door.

(He takes a notepad and starts writing.)

Trent-Newest item on my to-do list: install doorbell.

(The knocking gets louder.)

Trent-(shouting) Alright, I'm coming!

(He gets up and walks to the door. He presses the button opening it up. GRACE is on the other side looking very unhappy.)

Trent-Hey, Grace! What brings you to my humble abode?

Grace-You know what I'm here for.

Trent-Oh. The inhibitor chip. About that...

Grace-And turn everything off!

Trent-What do you mean?

Grace-You know what I'm talking about!

(She shoves TRENT into the lab.)

Grace-Turn off the computers! I can't hear myself think!

Trent-All of them? How am I supposed to work on my inventions?

Grace-You're not.

Trent-You're right. Maybe I shouldn't. I'm only rebuilding my inventory 'cause I had a bit of a depression session the other week and wanted all my old stuff back, but really, it's just a huge waste of time and resources.

Grace-Not that!

(She presses a green button below the door-opening button, closing it.)

Grace-In the time we've been having this conversation, I was able to discover the barricade protocol that you installed in your front door. Now, you won't be able to leave until you fix my chip.

(Opening theme.)

Trent-You really think you can barricade me inside my own lab? Bad news for you: I created the barricade protocol, so I know the code to turn it off.

Grace-Great news for me: I know the code, too, and I'm closer to the door.

Trent-I can change that.

(He walks next to GRACE and reaches for the keypad by the door. GRACE blocks him.)

Grace-You won't be able to get away with that so easily.

Trent-Yes, I will! I'm the amazing Dr. Steel! I can just...

(He puts his hand out as if trying to reach through GRACE. He ends up touching her chest.)

Trent-Oh. Sorry.

Grace-Get off of me!

(She punches TRENT in the face.)

Trent-Ow! Luckily, Kintobori have some of the strongest jaws in the Alpha Quadrant. Or so I'm told.

Grace-If you don't want way worse to happen to you, you're going to sit down and fix my chip.

Trent-How?! You told me to turn off all the computers!

Grace-I did. Why haven't you?

Trent-Alright, alright. Sheesh!

(He goes around the room turning off every computer.)

Trent-It looks like I'll have to use old-fashioned tools to make this thing and my big scientist brain to make this thing.

(He sits down at his desk.)

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