Chapter 1. BOB.

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There was once a little egg yolk.
His name? It was BOB.
BOB was a very kind food. But even the kind foods could not hide.. from THEM.

...Sega the devourer...

One day, Sega was trying to cook a Sunny Side Up Egg. They grabbed BOB the egg and just couldn't put him on the pan.. Why, you may ask? Because they were too scared. They hate cooking. The only thing they have cooked was Ramen with egg.

So, they cracked open the egg, separated the egg whites from the egg yolk, and made a new friend, BOB. He was a kind spirit. Oh how innocent he was! But then.. soemthing horrible happened... BOB THE EGG YOLK BROKE!!!! Sega could not believe it.. why? How could he break? They were best friends forever.. Sega could not believe this.. they decide to make a sandwich to try to calm down, because their best friend just fucking died.

Anyway, so Sega made the sandwich... everything was fine! It was a delicious sandwich (not really it tasted like shit)! But then.... They realize... this is BOB... but reincarnated as a sandwich.... But Sega doesnt care! They want their sandwich!!! So.. they bite down into the sandwich..

BOB cries for help,
But to no avail.

Sega mercilessly bites down into BOB as he pleads and cries.
"Why're you doing this! What did I do to deserve this!"
Sega ignores his desperate cries and takes bite after bite out of poor little BOB.
"The ketchup is his blood." Sega says..
After they have completely devoured BOB, all that's left is crumbs. The crumbs of an innocent soul.
"He tastes so good" -Sega.
The other foods watch from a distance, afraid it could be them next..
"Hell yeah.  I'm gonna drink the milk too." -Sega
First, it was the PEARS... then BOB... and now... poor old GRANDPA MILK named TOMMY...

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