Chapter 3. Ramen whatever the fuck

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A hand from above comes and grabs ramen, and in shock, he yells at the top of his ramen-like or whatever idk lungs.

A hand from above comes and grabs ramen, and in shock, he yells at the top of his ramen-like or whatever idk lungs

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However, Sega ignores this and continues to rip his skin open and remove his insides.
He watches as he gets placed into a bowl of water and placed into some strange box...


It begins to spin. He starts to heat up. He slowly becomes softer and softer.. he cries in pain and agony...
The cycle finally finishes.. The hand takes the bowl of ramen out of the microwave. His sauce packet is ripped open. He feels as if he's being town in two.
The sauce is sprinkled onto his now soft edible body. He is slowly lifted into Sega the devourers mouth, he is crushed up and chewed and eventually everything was gone.

The foods watch, terrified. Sega had to be full now, right? They prayed to the God of Foods that Sega the devourer would be full by now.
"wow... I have not eaten for the entire day.. so I'm still a bit hungry.. might eat a can of Chicken Noodle.." -Sega.

(this story actually happened a few days ago. February 24-25..)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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