Chapter Seven: It Melted 😞

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Time passed by slowly as I remained sitting in the cold concrete room. He left quite a while ago and has yet to return, so I assume they're struggling to come up with a decision. I was about to break out into song from boredom when the door finally opened.

The interrogator guy walked in, followed by the hot brunette who came to pick up me and Jeongin, and another hot guy with black hair, glasses, and puppy-like features. Seriously, why are they all hot? The new guy sat in the seat across from me while Mr. Interrogator and smoker dude stood beside him.

He observed me for a long moment, eyes sharp as they stare into me from behind his circular frames. I simply matched his gaze, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Apparently you're a lot more impressive then we thought at first." I raise a brow at this, not sure if this was a good thing or not.

"You have skills we could put to use, you seem to do well under pressure, and you have a lot of information on local gangs that could be of great use to us." He states, holding intense eye contact as if looking for the slightest bit of a response.

All I do is nod, having been aware of all this before he said it. Of course I know I'm of use, that's why I was able to help Jeongin with info gathering, and I do well under pressure because I'm incapable of feeling fear. Skill wise? I mean, I guess I make a mean Pina colada.

"Seeing as you're already friends with Jeongin, we thought it would be good for you to join us." He leans back and offers a polite smile, much like a business man would after proposing a deal. I return the smile, and his shoulders relax a little.


They seem caught off guard by the response. Possibly because I never dropped the smile. Possibly because they thought I would be over joyed at the idea of joining them. Possibly because I chose this moment to pull out a chocolate bar from my pocket.

I frown as I observe the candy.

"It melted." I pout, and they all look at me like they aren't sure what to do. The new guy is the first to regain his composure and he clears his throat. " I urge you to reconsider. As of now, you're now a target for Fly Trap's. Based on what you know, you in comparison to any other civilian should be aware of the danger that poses. They're a small gang that doesn't pose too much threat in man power or intelligence, but they're cruel and merciless. They also tend to hold grudges for the oddest things. People fear them because even if they're weak, they're persistent and animalistic in their pursuits. They won't stop hunting you until they torture you, kill you, and make sure they turn you into yet another example of why you shouldn't piss them off."

"Uh, yeah dude. I know. You didn't need to explain it. You even said I know this." He seems exasperated by my response, but continues anyway.

"You can't protect yourself on your own. Even your sister won't be able to protect you. But we can. If you join us you'll get 24/7 protection. All you have to do is help us stop the corruption of this town. Based on your willingness to help out Jeongin, I doubt that's something unappealing to you."

I smile, and it's clear they're not sure what it's supposed to mean. I lean forward and lace my fingers together, meeting his gaze with matching intensity.

"Alright, let's say I do join. What then? Like you said, they're persistent and won't stop until I'm dead. You guys won't be willing to contribute so much effort, manpower, and lives just to get a little of my help. It won't be beneficial to you to do this, and I know this isn't a promise you can keep. It's not a promise you should want to keep." This causes them to frown, but I'm far from done.

"Maybe I can't protect myself on my own, but I feel like my chance of survival is higher by laying low and using the few connections I have to cover my tracks then it would be to get in the middle of the cross fire by joining you guys and fighting against gangs. I'm sorry, but the answer is no. I'm glad I could help Jeongin, but that's where it ends."

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